Lifting the Veil to a Higher Dimension: The Other Side Part 1

Last night I had a vision. You might want to call it something bigger than a vision though – it was a rather conscious visit to the Other Side ie the Next Dimension of life, beyond what we know here. That being said, I should probably say that we all ‘travel’ (usually at night while we sleep) to the Next Dimension. Everyone does – we often wake up in the morning saying that we dreamed this or that, or had a funny dreams that didn’t make sense and so forth. None of that is made up per se. We really do visit the Other Side a lot, the trick is however to retain some of it more consciously. I had another one of these very conscious visions that I want to share with all of you.

I get many visions. Some stay with me consciously, some don’t, and then some are retained in my subconscious that I feel in my body, but never goes beyond that. It’s the conscious one that I want to share because it’s important to write about what the Higher Dimension is all about. When I say Higher I am referring to different dimension than here on Earth (3rd dimension). Anything ‘Higher’ refers to anything beyond the dense physicality that experience here. “Light” body or lighters forms of a body is what we experience in a Higher Dimension (ie 4th, 5th etc).

Now that you have a few of the basics, back to the vision … I found myself standing at the top of an enormous escalator (about 3-4 feet up) made up entirely of water. It was interesting thing – the water was cascading both up and down, much like a waterfall just bi-directional. I was standing effortlessly on top of the water, like gliding.

For once, I had a perfect experience of understanding what it meant to ‘walk on water’.

There was no walking per se like our 3-D physical selves here with feet, because on The Other Side, the density is gone – your Light Body simply can port around easily, hence ‘walking on water’ takes on a whole new meaning. Surrounding me were immense structures, tall tall buildings that truly reached the sky and beyond. I distinctly recall bending my neck backwards to get a sense of size, and these massive structures were beyond anything that we could ever imagine here. Some structures looked like ancient churches, and yet weren’t really, at least that wasn’t my sense at all. The information that I received was that some of these were places of worship, but not like our churches here, just buildings that were sacred, reverant, and held immense wisdom and knowledge. On the front of some of the buildings was what looked like ancient writing – I got that this was Aramaic language – the language that we all speak and understand once we transition back to The Other Side.

Everyone I looked there were great numbers of people, not crowds and not crowded, but the impression I had was that there was truly a great Intelligence and Order all around.

There really was this Divine Infinite Consciousness that Knew Its existence, Its purpose, and what It was doing. God, The Divine, Universe, All-Knowing. Whatever you feel pulled to call It (I resonate to God), this Consciousness permeated everyone and everything, no exceptions. No-thing and Every-thing was God-energy throughout.

If there was one word to describe the atmosphere of the people though, it was ‘busy’. Always busy – not rushing, not hurrying, just an aura of being busy, productive, purposeful, and fulfilling. Everyone was doing what was creative and expressive to them, all knowing exactly where they were and why they were there. The other theme was ‘love’. As I tuned into the general atmosphere and ambience of where I was, no matter the view as I turned around, the colours were vibrant and alive. The air (not air that you can breathe like here on earth) was shimmering with energy. I could actually see energy and vibration in motion. By the way, in the next Dimension you can totally experience this, and its something that is infused in through our entire cellular structure, and conscious awareness.

I feel that this is what true Knowing is all about – not knowing with your mind, or even intuiting Knowing, but truly infusing Knowledge and Understanding through every cell in your body and mind, and then consciously carrying it everywhere and feeling it through you. Only then can you really say that you experience Knowing.

To be honest, this was the most freeing feeling and also profound experiences to date that I have had.

As I continued to walk around these buildings, watching people come and go – yes, bilocating and moving via thought energy (that is what we do on those dimensional levels – easy right??) my view encompassed huge meadows, gardens, flowers, waterfalls, full and alive with colour, sound, and smells. I can say again that our senses here through our physical bodies just do not do this justice, in fact they are minimized versions of what these experiences are like on The Other Side. Lush meadows were filled with people, whether reading, talking, ‘walking’, resting, or taking in activities such as concerts, and lectures. heaven...In fact, there wasn’t anything too different than what we experience here, just far more vibrant, more expansive, and the completely obliteration of the 3D ego – judgment, emotions such as anger and sadness, criticism, anxiety and depression, and so much more, but you get the drift here. I was shown what Ego looked like here on Earth – the picture of a Talking Head is probably the closest thing I can describe for you. It was like the head was truly (and metaphorically) disconnected from the rest of the self – might give you a clue as to how much we as humans operate from our heads and in many ways are ‘cut off’ from the rest of our selves. Just something to think about where some on this earthly civilization are at right?

Other tall and impressive buildings I could see from my vantage point. I discovered that there was a point that I could only stand and look around, rather than keep moving. Probably because hey, I’m still with this physical body, and not supposed to really be there yet on a full-time basis. So just like a visitor in a different land with a limited time visa, this was essentially the same. I could look but just couldn’t stay. From my 360 view at a distance I could see large crystal and stone pillared buildings – some were I intuitively knew to be Buildings of Wisdom, of Education, Learning, Research, Creativity,  Libraries, and more than I ever could see in my limited vantage point. Much like a university campus here with a many different areas geared to specific modalities and learning, this was the same, just more massively expanded and again, and brimming with Knowing, Understanding, and Truth.

I was guided to a central area full of large and looming crystals – tall crystalline structures that also seemed to reach the sky if you looked up enough – incredible jewel coloured structures in amethyst, rose quartz, citrine and more – clustered around in a ring. Think Stonehenge if you’ve ever seen photos, but in a complete circular pattern. I found myself standing in the middle of this ring of crystals, and immediately understood it to be what was called the Infusion Ring or Circle of Infusion. What this meant was that this was one of the many areas and ways that infused information and knowledge was directed to many people here on our 3D Earth.

If you take a moment and think about how many authors, musicians, scientists, researchers, writers, etc.. get their ‘brilliant’ ideas, or breakthrough medical research, for example, much of it comes from here.

Much like a teabag infusing in water, and its contents meshing together into Oneness, this was a similar experience – but larger than ever imaginable. And honestly, I felt such complete and utter Joy at the Knowledge and Awareness that being here evoked within me.

The truth of the matter though, is that I wanted to stay – I mean really(!), this was the most Loving and peaceful existence encountered, but no, I had and still have much work to do being in this 3rd dimension and physical body. My vision didn’t stop there though. Back to the waterfall escalator I want – what I also want to add was that because everything and everyone moved at the speed of thought, which is in fact faster than our speed of Light, you think about something or place and you’re there. Which is where I found myself back at the water, this time going down. My experience of descending though was incredibly speed by 3rd dimensional standards – it was like gliding back down on the water cascade – yet another ‘walking on water’ experience, but like those water slides at the park at breakneck speed. Personally, I feel that we create and/or choose some of the entry/exist experiences – I know why I saw and experienced the water escalator, especially going down – that is one of my fears here on 3D Earth. I avoid water slides and anything that operates at a fast speed – so you definitely won’t find me there at an amusement park that’s for sure. But here in Higher Dimension, there was no issue, no fear, no avoidance, just experience – and it was fun!

Reaching the bottom though brought me to a much denser and physical space. I saw myself with a road under my feet, along with feet that felt like they were on solid ground. Congruent with that, it was really my soul arriving back into my body – thankfully entry was smooth. Another glimpse that I got from this is that how we both enter and exit our physical bodies is really as smooth and natural as breathing. There is no struggle – it’s effortless.

I will leave you all now with this to digest. Don’t ponder too much please – this is an experience not something to analyze or go into logical space. I will share more vision information in future blog posts – believe me, there is much more to come, so sign up to receive the latest posts and hang in there with me.

For now, blessings to you all – Love/Olena  IndigoCrystalCoach™


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL READINGS & ENERGY REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

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Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)


Mandalas and Multidimensional Portals

flower of life

Flower of Life

When I was a child, probably as young as 7 or 8, I would sit for hours drawing. Honestly, I never considered myself an artist. In fact, I almost flunked grade 7 Art class because all I wanted to paint were landscapes and couldn’t draw worth sliced bread. However, I was a great with a compass – you know, the contraptions used in math with a point on one end, and pencil in another. Beats me if people use those anymore, however, they were my favourite tool, especially to procrastinate from math class. And all because I chose to draw what I know now to be mandalas, specifically The Flower of Life. This secret hobby of mine continued all the way into the end of my high school career, until eventually my life experiences became more grounded; the rest of life took over, and disbanded this hobby for a quite a number of years.

I didn’t know it then during childhood, but they were my form of meditation, an escape from the stresses from childhood. All I knew is that I thought about this day and night, couldn’t wait to get home from school to secretly draw, and that it made me feel good and alive. What I also knew to be true were that these mandalas were an escape to another dimension. Both at night and probably during my day-dreaming states, I would visualize these drawings that I made so painstakingly. I was always engrossed in the detail of the drawing; if I didn’t get the circle exact I would spend many minutes (or hours) re-doing it. I knew instinctively that the detail and the precision was somehow important. And this need for precision was dependant on the journeying that I ended up doing in these mandala tunnels.

Travelling down these intricate tunnels that were embedded in the mandala drawings became the highlight of my days and night. [This might explain why almost my meditations these days involve tunnels or elevators]. I would travel these tunnels in my almost dream-time or daydreaming into various places. These were portals to other dimensions of existence. As a child, this wasn’t anything I questioned – I just remember I got excited at the prospect of ‘travelling’ to these fun places at night [to this day, night time is my favourite part of the day], where the people were friendly, everything and everyone was loving and beautiful, and the world was vibrant and multicoloured, much like Grecian or Mediterranean landscapes.

mandala - crownchakra

mandala – crownchakra

I have many recollections of being in beautiful lands, with lush landscapes, colours were thousands of times more vibrant than we ever see here on Earth, sounds were pure and of absolute perfection, myriads of people being busy, and yet always full of Love and Happiness. I had friends over on the other sides of the portals – I recall hanging out in front of large pillared buildings, like great halls, some with crystalline structures, some with stone. The skies were full of pastel colours, shimmering golds, greens and silver, with a hue that one would only be lucky to see during a sunset perhaps. All sense of linear time was gone – it really was a place of just Be-ing, and complete and collective Understanding that the environment was Perfection and Order.

What did I do on other Other Side? I remember seeing a lot of Teachers. As I mentioned, I had friends – buddies – but also Ascended Masters like Jesus, Mother Mary, St. Germain, and Maitreya. I called them Jesus, Mary, and Gerry. For a child, this really was no big deal. These beings really looked like ‘people’, as I saw them. Nothing special – no wings, no robes, no halos, nothing except beaming Love and Peace. And as a child, I thought nothing of it – this was in normal realm of experience and I never questioned how it was possible that they didn’t look too different from how people are viewed here, except for the fact that they emanated Love, Light and Wisdom. For me, it was like an addiction – all I wanted to do was to spend all of time over there – it was beautiful, peaceful, there was only Love surrounding me, and I had wise Counsel to hang out with. It disappointed me greatly whenever I had to leave ie wake up in the morning, because here – Earth – conditions are much more harsh and brutal.

mandala-solar plexus

mandala-solar plexus

As I mentioned, these experiences of travelling through the wormhole of the mandala lasted until I was about 17 years old. Eventually, rest of life and survival took over, and this hobby took a backburner – until very recently. I’ve been reminded over the last year, during my channeling sessions with clients and doing my Clearly Seen Earth Energy Reports and Forecasts, that the portal travel is one of the many ways of accessing multidimensional space along with the wisdom and information that is contained within the Universal Matrix.

My hope is that some of my experiences may trigger memories for you too, and/or have a better understanding of what your children experience (if you’re a parent). As children, it is not uncommon, in fact normal, to ‘travel’ to multi-dimensional spaces. It is perfectly normal to ‘converse’ with Beings on the Other Side just as if it were you and me in adulthood today. If you are a parent of such a child, please don’t discount this. Chances are they are just hanging out with the Spirit buddies, just like I did, and to them, having a normal experience.  Until next post,

I love you All / Olena* – IndigoCrystalCoach™


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Connect with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Prediction Updates & New Visions – August 1, 2013

Predictions Posted in Earth Energy Report & Spiritual Reading for June – June 6 /13 :

[Reference to Earthquakes] “The second, in the oceanic region around the Northern tip of Australia, between Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia areas.”

Predictions Posted in Earth Energy Report for June 23/13:

[Reference to either Earthquake, Tsunami or event that had an origin within or below the Oceans] “I was also shown a picture of the globe orientated between Japan and North America coast (West coast of Canada/US). If you rotate an actual globe and orient so that you have Japan on your left side of the visual and on the right are the Americas. In between I saw a big arrow directly pointing horizontally originating from Japan to the North American west coast. I don’t have any further specifics but the energy underlying this was a precipitating event that would begin in Japan and have an effect on the Americas. I can only assume tsunami/ earthquake, etc. as something like that would have a direct effect via the oceans.”

Events and Confirmations – What has Happened in the News:

Additional events since the last event confirmations have occurred:

Earthquake Magnitude 6.6 NE of Kandrian, Papua New Guinea

Earthquake Magnitude 7.3 ENE of Taron, Papua New Guinea:

Earthquake Magnitude 5.0 ESE of Ishinomaki, Japan:  [it should be noted that according to the vision received it was highly improbably this was the original prediction being referred to, but rather another occurance will supercede this one, near this same region]

GLOBAL- NEW VISIONS (Areas/Events as visualized from the “3rd Eye” Map) July 31/13

[Just a little key index reference beforehand for information clarification and efficiency:  V = Visual; A= Auditory; S=Sensory (emotional / physical feeling)

1A. V: storm affecting the coast of Bermuda – A: word ‘Tropical’ along with the visual of tropical fruit ie mango, pineapple, so I can only interpret that to mean Tropical Storm coming into this region.

1B. V: further repetition around the visual of tropical fruits such as pineapples, along with the vision of heavy rain and buffetting wind. Geographically, this was showing as around the Hawaiian Islands, although I am also seeing the Philippines being affected by a storm (tropical, typhoon) of this nature.

2. A: word ‘eruption’ and ‘rising up’ occurring in the region of Tanzania, V: a cloud of smoke. Could this visual could be referring to a volcano perhaps?

3A. V: a large building being blasted, completely destroyed, lots of rubble, people fleeing in all directions. S: There was a suddenness in this vision, the blast was very unexpected, was the general sense of the scene I was seeing. Lots of women clutching children, running away. This was down a busy street, lots of shops, but the building destroyed was a taller. This was a distinctive feature in this vision – one taller building against many smaller ones. [editor note: almost like a business/corporate/office type building, as opposed to one-level storefront]. A: words Cairo, Egypt.

3B: V: visual around North Africa again (around Egypt). A: i hear the word ‘terror’ it is unknown whether this means some around a terrorism event or people being in the state of terror – all I’ve been shown is the geographical location with an arrow pointing to this region to an unclear event that will be occurring; my thoughts – this could be related to Prediction 3A.

4. A: words Brussels, Belgium and train accident, distinct sound of sirens (like those heard in Europe more specifically France [note: there is a very distinctive ambulance sound as opposed to those in North America], along with French language that I do not understand; V: lots of ‘screaming’ ambulances racing to the scene, with the Red Cross painted on the side, with stretchers. Lots of devastation.

[Editors Personal Note: It is my hope that many of these events do not actually occur. Personally I don’t like seeing tragedies occurring (who does?), or lives lost, or the emotional sadness that I get intuitiveness when receive information. This is one of the many reasons why I have avoided talking about anything foreseeable for many years, and kept it only to myself and few close knit people. It is only recently that I have been nudged by Spirit to bring all this out into the open, and to post what I see, hear, and feel, no more no less. I don’t know what the reasoning is at this time as to why I need to be doing this, but as I’ve always learned from Spirit – ‘ours is not to question or reason why, but to simply have faith and do’. So for what it’s worth, this is what is put out onto the intuitive table. /OG ]


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Connect with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

News Updates and New Visions


(Posted on June 6, 2013)

June Earth Energies and Spiritual Readings:

“The third area is focused on China and Japan especially surrounding the issue of wheat and GMO – expect to see more actions in these regions, taken regarding this issue.


What has happened in News:   (Ironic this was also happening simultaneously next door in South Korea)  (Not exactly forward news or positive movement)


1. Last night, (Sat. June 22), I had a vision around South Africa and Nelson Mandela. I know that in past news, he has been rather ill, however, I strongly got the impression that was going to escalate further. And my Spirit Guides tell me that “the transition is underway”. That’s about as much as I will say on this. If you are reading this, I’m pretty you probably will guess where this is heading.

2. I had a picture of the Eastern Seaboard of the US (Maine, Washington etc) and all the way up the North Atlantic to Canada (Nova, Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland), and distinctly heard ‘Tornado”. This I think was a continuation of the same visuals I received when I posted my June Spiritual Report. I am also receiving a similar visual around the coast of Florida.

3. I was also shown a picture of the globe orientated between Japan and North America coast (West coast of Canada/US). If you rotate an actual globe and orient so that you have Japan on your left side of the visual and on the right are the Americas. In between I saw a big arrow directly pointing horizontally originating from Japan to the North American west coast. I don’t have any further specifics but the energy underlying this was a precipitating event that would begin in Japan and have an effect on the Americas. I can only assume tsunami/ earthquake, etc. as something like that would have a direct effect via the oceans.


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links:  and

Did You Know?  We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you!  To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Connect with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Spiritual Reading: Month of June

Editor Note:  Just to clarify how information comes through for me, I first receive through vision – whether it’s something that’s shown to me in a meditation, or I get a visual flash coming through my awareness. When I get Earth energy visuals, it comes in levels or phases. First, I will usually see the Earth as a globe, as if one is staring at a regular toy globe that spins; the first piece is always about location. Within my visual range, I see the globe spinning in front of me in 3D and it will then stop and zoom in at certain points or areas (much like a Google map zoom). That is a distinct message that says ‘something is going to happen here’. The next level is more specific – whether it’s an earth event such as a fire, flood, or something about people. These visuals I see as a blinking light hovering over the area that has just been localized or zoomed in on. The brighter the ‘blink’ the closer in the timeline of life this event will be happening. The third layer is even more refined with specific features such as smoke, water, anything elemental or symbolic such as crown e.g. In a reading in early December of 2012, I had seen a picture of a royal crown hovering over The Netherlands with clouds of smoke literally centered over the map visual. So it was interpreted as location – the Netherlands, crown – probably referring to Royalty, smoke – could have had several interpretations such as a fire, explosion, someone who was a smoker, perhaps the Queen of Denmark? or tied to the Royal Family. In the end, about a month after this visual, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands announced her abdication from the throne, and she was a smoker. On that note, here is June’s reading:


June Earth Energies and Spiritual Readings:

The Earth energies at the beginning this month will bring a little reprieve from the upheaval of events that transpired during May. This is good news! However, there are a quite a few areas that I received that have some major activity around the globe – these are centering around several places. More specifically, rumblings around the Atlantic Ocean for one (seismic, tsunami, volcano(?) possible), around the Eastern part of Canada – New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and/or land masses in the North Atlantic. The second, in the oceanic region around the Northern tip of Australia, between Australia Papua New Guinea and Indonesia areas. The third area is focused on China, Japan and Italy, especially surrounding the issue of wheat and GMO – expect to see more actions in these regions, taken regarding this issue. The fourth and final pinpointing that I’m being shown is regarding the poles, especially North and South Poles – not North Pole, Alaska, but the actual poles. The vision is one of a further shift in the energetic axis (not physical) in that as consciousness rises even more around the globe this will further contribute to the energetic tilt, which in a tiger by the tail fashion, will contribute right back to raising more consciousness regarding various issues and problems that pervade us. (As with all my visuals and information brought forward, if there is something specific that is given it will be posted, if not, it’s interpreted as a general energetic shift in that locale, of which specific manifestations are yet unknown)

The general reading for the month as always centers around themes. The first is around loss and healing from anything that would be considered such. This can be any type of loss – a person, pet, even the loss of a belief system that previously was held firm and was shattered. Regardless of what that was for you, the message at this time is for you to be patient with yourself as you sit with this new phase of transition. It’s about being kind to yourself, treating yourself with tenderness and gentleness. There has been much loss and transitioning especially on the people end of things around the globe, especially the US in these last few months – we need to catch a breath and allow ourselves to heal emotionally and spiritually from this. Aside from Time, Nature is actually considered to be the Greatest Healer of all. Spend time in the forest, among the plants, go for walks so that you can really feel your feet on the ground and Earth energies. By doing so, you will allow yourself to really feel like you truly are among the living (because earth is alive!!) and your sense of spirit will uplift.

innerwisdomThe second theme revolves around just simply knowing that with all problems, no matter how big or small, they all have solutions. The message here though is about where you are putting your energy? If your attention and therefore energy is continuously put on the problem, then the problem will simply continue to happen. Rather, send the problem out to the Universe like a signal, the signal gets received and Universe responds. Far too often though we stew about all the problems that exist or occur – and it doesn’t matter whether these are personal or global, the process is the same. Whenever you energetic put something put the Universe automatically receives that and boomerangs back. The majority of the time though we don’t often see that occurring because we are far too busy stewing!! And therefore, we never get out of the quagmire of thought. So the big message is about learning to remove your thought and attention off the problem, and only by doing so, you will then allow for solutions to come your way.

Finally the third theme surround becoming more aware and awake of your own inner wisdom and knowing. Truthfully, we all carry knowledge, and I’m not talking learned in school knowledge, but inner innate kind of knowledge and wisdom. The difference however between those that use it and those who don’t, is simply the stage of wakefulness. It’s like being deeply asleep to dozing to being fully awake in your day. Consciousness and awareness works the same way. This message right now is telling and reminding you that your inner wisdom, all your ancestral experiences and lessons all are carried within you. And at this time of your life, there is a calling to tap in and access that vat of wisdom even more so than before. Think about moments in your life where something just comes out of you verbally and you wonder where that even came from. Or perhaps you said something to someone that sounded really profound but ended up being extremely helpful to that person. That’s the innate knowing that’s being tapped into. But … now is the time to dig even deeper with that spiritual shovel and bring the treasure trove of knowing up to the surface even more. Why? Because, if you are reading this, you already know that you are a wise being and that wisdom is useless unless it’s used to support and help others. So … get over your hump of keeping this wisdom to yourself. People need you! So get out there – and use it!


We will soon be posting our Spiritual Reading on YouTube as well, stay tuned for those links.  Thank you for reading this report. If this forecast came to you through a forward or share and if you wish to receive other updates via email please go to right of this blog and sign up.

Until July, Love and Blessings/Olena

Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links:  and

To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

You are welcome to connect with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)