LIght Codes

CLEARLY SEEN: Earth Energy Report – September 2014

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, AA Michael channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 105 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


EARTH ENERGY REPORT – September 2014: A Pleiadian Collective Message

So here we are again, paused at another precipice in your personal evolutionary journey. You have accomplished much in over your short periods of time, namely the last several months especially. Humanity has grown by leaps and bounds – your conscious shall we has exploded of sorts, much like pulling a lever and allowing the pinball to move in all different directions. This describes not only the impetus that you as a race have had to illicit change within yourselves, but now the rewards that you are experiencing at this time – the acceleration of awareness, the desire to clean up and clear out anything that has held you back and stood in your way. Now is the time once again, to clear out more of the garbage – true – but in a different way than before.

Your Earth has for some time now has been waking with you, evolving in Her own journey too, allowing Her own consciousness to come forward in order to become in Harmony with Her inhabitants – you! During this reawakening process, many Light Codes have been downloaded through your inner energetic portals – your chakras for examples in order to help you reconnect that which has always lain deeper within your ancestral memories. This next wave of energetic sweeping, you will once again be faced with clearing out what is no longer necessary to carry, but will now bring you into a different foundation than you have ever experienced before. You are coming into a time of Adjustment, where the triggers of the Light Codes, such as the 11:11, 12:12 on your time clocks or dates, the resurgence of emotional pieces deep within, the pulling of your heart calling you to move and act on in certain directions, and memories of your deeper purposes of why you are here, are all part of the Integration that you have now undergone these last several months.

You are now in that time period that dictates rebuilding the “House” that you have chosen to live in for so long.

Remember, all of you came to the Earth with the full knowledge of the Grand Design, not just the Design of the Universe, but the Design of Who You Are as an individual, as a race, and Who You Want to Be as you spiral through continuous re-creation. In addition, you carry the codes for full awareness of how to build this Earth that you reside on.

As has been mentioned in past transmissions, this knowledge that has been encoded in your ancient DNA and cellular constructs, includes all the blueprints, all the original sets of the Design, ready and waiting for you to become aware of it and put into action when the time was correct. This is that time. Now that energetic adjustments have taken place (which we will add has been occurring specifically since 12-12-12, you are now ready to take your place and access the information stored in these Light Codes. This is the information as to how you wish to this Earth Be like, and how You wish to Be Like in conjunction – and you have gained access to it now. Remember, this Earth is by and large Your Creation! Know that in order to become aware and understand that these blueprints exist (yes this is your treasure!), it is equally important to know that there is the pre-design as well. In order to know the blueprint, you must have already had a pre-conceptualized idea of the end result, in order to create it in the first place.

Just like constructing the house, the blueprint is the instructional and intentional structural design with the end result already pre-envisioned.

And that someone who had a hand in creating it all – was each and every one of you. It was you that decided to take Higher Dimensional Knowledge from places far away from your Earth – your Star Systems of which you are and always have been a part of. It was you that chose to use this Knowledge as a model to seed a New Earth – the one you have on. Dear Ones, you took that original vision and formed into a structure, with instructions of course, and purposely embedded it into your cellular memories so that one day – of which you are now in – you would wake to remember what you stored there so long ago. You see, this is how you are both a Creator and Builder of your own Design. What is happening now on Earth and within you individually is like a house renovation. Much of your “foundations” that have been built over multi-millenia has not been functioning to its highest potential and capacity to date. And through all of you – your willingness to stand up and decide that what you have become as an Earthly race is no longer acceptable, is what is at play here. What was motivating that awareness through each and every one of you is the deep knowing that there is another, better, and ‘higher’ Design that was meant all along.

Get ready for another Light Code sweep

Get ready for another Light Code sweep

This next wave in your month coming up, is about you Arising within yourselves and moving deeper into the knowledge of these blueprints, these pieces or nuggets of awareness of what needs to not only change, but now what needs to be put into its place. This includes the role you are now re-evaluating on a personal level as to how you wish to be, how you wish to conduct yourself as a human being, how you choose to respond in your interactions with others, and above all, how your deeper individual purpose needs to be expressed just like the thread of spider’s web. For your individual expression is that thread that is inherently connected to the matrix of the whole.

There are many who are keenly watching you as to how you choose to evolve and rebuild your Earth, for its purpose was equally to serve as a model for other planetary systems as well. There are many in your star systems who are far more advanced in their evolutionary awareness, and many who are still awakening as well. The matrix is far beyond anything you could truly envision at this point, Dear Ones, but know that everything that you do, really does have a ripple effect not just on your planet, but through the vast stretches of Universes.

Just as much as you are a point on the matrix, the Earth Herself is equally a point on it too.

How you rebuild your House is crucial now – as what you now choose to Release into the ethers, will boomerang back with a greater force than it ever has been to date. In these next 30 days of your time, your Light Codes will be released in greater intensity, from the Earth (through the rumblings, shakings, fire columns [editor note: meaning earthquakes and volcanic eruptions]), from your Sun (through solar flares), your Moon (through vivid dreams, intense emotions, visions, ear ringing, etc), and Star Systems too. Some of you may still experience these changes through the physical body as well – as always these feelings are temporary and will pass in due course.

There will be many who will be choosing to leave your planet at this time, as their purpose here is no longer serving its purpose, and they are choosing to become part of the rebuild in another, higher form. Bless them, for they too are awakening to that deeper awareness of their purpose as well, and simply choosing to readjust how they wish to express that purpose.

In addition, one of the hidden treasures that you have carried from the beginning is Intuition, your ‘wireless’ connection to All That Is surrounding you. For that is part of your blueprint as well Dear Ones. We see that many of you are finally allowing this to work for you, rather than sitting passively by and observing others using it. For the Grand Design was never one of exclusion but of inclusion. We say, the time is now, to fully embrace this as part of your treasure trove, and use it to its fullest capacity that was meant for. By utilizing your intuitive guidance within, you are stepping into your power as an Emotional and sensory being, and thus flinging the inner doors as to your own individual and deeper purposes. So use it as it’s meant to Dear Ones!

As always, remember that you are greatly loved. We, as the Pleiadian Collective, continue to oversee your evolutionary choices, and we would like you to know how deeply we sit in gratitude at the wonderful work that you as a human race of accomplished so far. Blessings to you all/*


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2014. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

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Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Lifting the Veil to a Higher Dimension: The Other Side Part 1

Last night I had a vision. You might want to call it something bigger than a vision though – it was a rather conscious visit to the Other Side ie the Next Dimension of life, beyond what we know here. That being said, I should probably say that we all ‘travel’ (usually at night while we sleep) to the Next Dimension. Everyone does – we often wake up in the morning saying that we dreamed this or that, or had a funny dreams that didn’t make sense and so forth. None of that is made up per se. We really do visit the Other Side a lot, the trick is however to retain some of it more consciously. I had another one of these very conscious visions that I want to share with all of you.

I get many visions. Some stay with me consciously, some don’t, and then some are retained in my subconscious that I feel in my body, but never goes beyond that. It’s the conscious one that I want to share because it’s important to write about what the Higher Dimension is all about. When I say Higher I am referring to different dimension than here on Earth (3rd dimension). Anything ‘Higher’ refers to anything beyond the dense physicality that experience here. “Light” body or lighters forms of a body is what we experience in a Higher Dimension (ie 4th, 5th etc).

Now that you have a few of the basics, back to the vision … I found myself standing at the top of an enormous escalator (about 3-4 feet up) made up entirely of water. It was interesting thing – the water was cascading both up and down, much like a waterfall just bi-directional. I was standing effortlessly on top of the water, like gliding.

For once, I had a perfect experience of understanding what it meant to ‘walk on water’.

There was no walking per se like our 3-D physical selves here with feet, because on The Other Side, the density is gone – your Light Body simply can port around easily, hence ‘walking on water’ takes on a whole new meaning. Surrounding me were immense structures, tall tall buildings that truly reached the sky and beyond. I distinctly recall bending my neck backwards to get a sense of size, and these massive structures were beyond anything that we could ever imagine here. Some structures looked like ancient churches, and yet weren’t really, at least that wasn’t my sense at all. The information that I received was that some of these were places of worship, but not like our churches here, just buildings that were sacred, reverant, and held immense wisdom and knowledge. On the front of some of the buildings was what looked like ancient writing – I got that this was Aramaic language – the language that we all speak and understand once we transition back to The Other Side.

Everyone I looked there were great numbers of people, not crowds and not crowded, but the impression I had was that there was truly a great Intelligence and Order all around.

There really was this Divine Infinite Consciousness that Knew Its existence, Its purpose, and what It was doing. God, The Divine, Universe, All-Knowing. Whatever you feel pulled to call It (I resonate to God), this Consciousness permeated everyone and everything, no exceptions. No-thing and Every-thing was God-energy throughout.

If there was one word to describe the atmosphere of the people though, it was ‘busy’. Always busy – not rushing, not hurrying, just an aura of being busy, productive, purposeful, and fulfilling. Everyone was doing what was creative and expressive to them, all knowing exactly where they were and why they were there. The other theme was ‘love’. As I tuned into the general atmosphere and ambience of where I was, no matter the view as I turned around, the colours were vibrant and alive. The air (not air that you can breathe like here on earth) was shimmering with energy. I could actually see energy and vibration in motion. By the way, in the next Dimension you can totally experience this, and its something that is infused in through our entire cellular structure, and conscious awareness.

I feel that this is what true Knowing is all about – not knowing with your mind, or even intuiting Knowing, but truly infusing Knowledge and Understanding through every cell in your body and mind, and then consciously carrying it everywhere and feeling it through you. Only then can you really say that you experience Knowing.

To be honest, this was the most freeing feeling and also profound experiences to date that I have had.

As I continued to walk around these buildings, watching people come and go – yes, bilocating and moving via thought energy (that is what we do on those dimensional levels – easy right??) my view encompassed huge meadows, gardens, flowers, waterfalls, full and alive with colour, sound, and smells. I can say again that our senses here through our physical bodies just do not do this justice, in fact they are minimized versions of what these experiences are like on The Other Side. Lush meadows were filled with people, whether reading, talking, ‘walking’, resting, or taking in activities such as concerts, and lectures. heaven...In fact, there wasn’t anything too different than what we experience here, just far more vibrant, more expansive, and the completely obliteration of the 3D ego – judgment, emotions such as anger and sadness, criticism, anxiety and depression, and so much more, but you get the drift here. I was shown what Ego looked like here on Earth – the picture of a Talking Head is probably the closest thing I can describe for you. It was like the head was truly (and metaphorically) disconnected from the rest of the self – might give you a clue as to how much we as humans operate from our heads and in many ways are ‘cut off’ from the rest of our selves. Just something to think about where some on this earthly civilization are at right?

Other tall and impressive buildings I could see from my vantage point. I discovered that there was a point that I could only stand and look around, rather than keep moving. Probably because hey, I’m still with this physical body, and not supposed to really be there yet on a full-time basis. So just like a visitor in a different land with a limited time visa, this was essentially the same. I could look but just couldn’t stay. From my 360 view at a distance I could see large crystal and stone pillared buildings – some were I intuitively knew to be Buildings of Wisdom, of Education, Learning, Research, Creativity,  Libraries, and more than I ever could see in my limited vantage point. Much like a university campus here with a many different areas geared to specific modalities and learning, this was the same, just more massively expanded and again, and brimming with Knowing, Understanding, and Truth.

I was guided to a central area full of large and looming crystals – tall crystalline structures that also seemed to reach the sky if you looked up enough – incredible jewel coloured structures in amethyst, rose quartz, citrine and more – clustered around in a ring. Think Stonehenge if you’ve ever seen photos, but in a complete circular pattern. I found myself standing in the middle of this ring of crystals, and immediately understood it to be what was called the Infusion Ring or Circle of Infusion. What this meant was that this was one of the many areas and ways that infused information and knowledge was directed to many people here on our 3D Earth.

If you take a moment and think about how many authors, musicians, scientists, researchers, writers, etc.. get their ‘brilliant’ ideas, or breakthrough medical research, for example, much of it comes from here.

Much like a teabag infusing in water, and its contents meshing together into Oneness, this was a similar experience – but larger than ever imaginable. And honestly, I felt such complete and utter Joy at the Knowledge and Awareness that being here evoked within me.

The truth of the matter though, is that I wanted to stay – I mean really(!), this was the most Loving and peaceful existence encountered, but no, I had and still have much work to do being in this 3rd dimension and physical body. My vision didn’t stop there though. Back to the waterfall escalator I want – what I also want to add was that because everything and everyone moved at the speed of thought, which is in fact faster than our speed of Light, you think about something or place and you’re there. Which is where I found myself back at the water, this time going down. My experience of descending though was incredibly speed by 3rd dimensional standards – it was like gliding back down on the water cascade – yet another ‘walking on water’ experience, but like those water slides at the park at breakneck speed. Personally, I feel that we create and/or choose some of the entry/exist experiences – I know why I saw and experienced the water escalator, especially going down – that is one of my fears here on 3D Earth. I avoid water slides and anything that operates at a fast speed – so you definitely won’t find me there at an amusement park that’s for sure. But here in Higher Dimension, there was no issue, no fear, no avoidance, just experience – and it was fun!

Reaching the bottom though brought me to a much denser and physical space. I saw myself with a road under my feet, along with feet that felt like they were on solid ground. Congruent with that, it was really my soul arriving back into my body – thankfully entry was smooth. Another glimpse that I got from this is that how we both enter and exit our physical bodies is really as smooth and natural as breathing. There is no struggle – it’s effortless.

I will leave you all now with this to digest. Don’t ponder too much please – this is an experience not something to analyze or go into logical space. I will share more vision information in future blog posts – believe me, there is much more to come, so sign up to receive the latest posts and hang in there with me.

For now, blessings to you all – Love/Olena  IndigoCrystalCoach™


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL READINGS & ENERGY REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Connect with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)