LIght Codes

CLEARLY SEEN: Earth Energy Report – September 2014

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, AA Michael channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 105 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


EARTH ENERGY REPORT – September 2014: A Pleiadian Collective Message

So here we are again, paused at another precipice in your personal evolutionary journey. You have accomplished much in over your short periods of time, namely the last several months especially. Humanity has grown by leaps and bounds – your conscious shall we has exploded of sorts, much like pulling a lever and allowing the pinball to move in all different directions. This describes not only the impetus that you as a race have had to illicit change within yourselves, but now the rewards that you are experiencing at this time – the acceleration of awareness, the desire to clean up and clear out anything that has held you back and stood in your way. Now is the time once again, to clear out more of the garbage – true – but in a different way than before.

Your Earth has for some time now has been waking with you, evolving in Her own journey too, allowing Her own consciousness to come forward in order to become in Harmony with Her inhabitants – you! During this reawakening process, many Light Codes have been downloaded through your inner energetic portals – your chakras for examples in order to help you reconnect that which has always lain deeper within your ancestral memories. This next wave of energetic sweeping, you will once again be faced with clearing out what is no longer necessary to carry, but will now bring you into a different foundation than you have ever experienced before. You are coming into a time of Adjustment, where the triggers of the Light Codes, such as the 11:11, 12:12 on your time clocks or dates, the resurgence of emotional pieces deep within, the pulling of your heart calling you to move and act on in certain directions, and memories of your deeper purposes of why you are here, are all part of the Integration that you have now undergone these last several months.

You are now in that time period that dictates rebuilding the “House” that you have chosen to live in for so long.

Remember, all of you came to the Earth with the full knowledge of the Grand Design, not just the Design of the Universe, but the Design of Who You Are as an individual, as a race, and Who You Want to Be as you spiral through continuous re-creation. In addition, you carry the codes for full awareness of how to build this Earth that you reside on.

As has been mentioned in past transmissions, this knowledge that has been encoded in your ancient DNA and cellular constructs, includes all the blueprints, all the original sets of the Design, ready and waiting for you to become aware of it and put into action when the time was correct. This is that time. Now that energetic adjustments have taken place (which we will add has been occurring specifically since 12-12-12, you are now ready to take your place and access the information stored in these Light Codes. This is the information as to how you wish to this Earth Be like, and how You wish to Be Like in conjunction – and you have gained access to it now. Remember, this Earth is by and large Your Creation! Know that in order to become aware and understand that these blueprints exist (yes this is your treasure!), it is equally important to know that there is the pre-design as well. In order to know the blueprint, you must have already had a pre-conceptualized idea of the end result, in order to create it in the first place.

Just like constructing the house, the blueprint is the instructional and intentional structural design with the end result already pre-envisioned.

And that someone who had a hand in creating it all – was each and every one of you. It was you that decided to take Higher Dimensional Knowledge from places far away from your Earth – your Star Systems of which you are and always have been a part of. It was you that chose to use this Knowledge as a model to seed a New Earth – the one you have on. Dear Ones, you took that original vision and formed into a structure, with instructions of course, and purposely embedded it into your cellular memories so that one day – of which you are now in – you would wake to remember what you stored there so long ago. You see, this is how you are both a Creator and Builder of your own Design. What is happening now on Earth and within you individually is like a house renovation. Much of your “foundations” that have been built over multi-millenia has not been functioning to its highest potential and capacity to date. And through all of you – your willingness to stand up and decide that what you have become as an Earthly race is no longer acceptable, is what is at play here. What was motivating that awareness through each and every one of you is the deep knowing that there is another, better, and ‘higher’ Design that was meant all along.

Get ready for another Light Code sweep

Get ready for another Light Code sweep

This next wave in your month coming up, is about you Arising within yourselves and moving deeper into the knowledge of these blueprints, these pieces or nuggets of awareness of what needs to not only change, but now what needs to be put into its place. This includes the role you are now re-evaluating on a personal level as to how you wish to be, how you wish to conduct yourself as a human being, how you choose to respond in your interactions with others, and above all, how your deeper individual purpose needs to be expressed just like the thread of spider’s web. For your individual expression is that thread that is inherently connected to the matrix of the whole.

There are many who are keenly watching you as to how you choose to evolve and rebuild your Earth, for its purpose was equally to serve as a model for other planetary systems as well. There are many in your star systems who are far more advanced in their evolutionary awareness, and many who are still awakening as well. The matrix is far beyond anything you could truly envision at this point, Dear Ones, but know that everything that you do, really does have a ripple effect not just on your planet, but through the vast stretches of Universes.

Just as much as you are a point on the matrix, the Earth Herself is equally a point on it too.

How you rebuild your House is crucial now – as what you now choose to Release into the ethers, will boomerang back with a greater force than it ever has been to date. In these next 30 days of your time, your Light Codes will be released in greater intensity, from the Earth (through the rumblings, shakings, fire columns [editor note: meaning earthquakes and volcanic eruptions]), from your Sun (through solar flares), your Moon (through vivid dreams, intense emotions, visions, ear ringing, etc), and Star Systems too. Some of you may still experience these changes through the physical body as well – as always these feelings are temporary and will pass in due course.

There will be many who will be choosing to leave your planet at this time, as their purpose here is no longer serving its purpose, and they are choosing to become part of the rebuild in another, higher form. Bless them, for they too are awakening to that deeper awareness of their purpose as well, and simply choosing to readjust how they wish to express that purpose.

In addition, one of the hidden treasures that you have carried from the beginning is Intuition, your ‘wireless’ connection to All That Is surrounding you. For that is part of your blueprint as well Dear Ones. We see that many of you are finally allowing this to work for you, rather than sitting passively by and observing others using it. For the Grand Design was never one of exclusion but of inclusion. We say, the time is now, to fully embrace this as part of your treasure trove, and use it to its fullest capacity that was meant for. By utilizing your intuitive guidance within, you are stepping into your power as an Emotional and sensory being, and thus flinging the inner doors as to your own individual and deeper purposes. So use it as it’s meant to Dear Ones!

As always, remember that you are greatly loved. We, as the Pleiadian Collective, continue to oversee your evolutionary choices, and we would like you to know how deeply we sit in gratitude at the wonderful work that you as a human race of accomplished so far. Blessings to you all/*


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2014. All Rights Reserved

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12:12:12 Message – Council of Light Beings

One day ago (12:11:12) I was nudged rather urgently to sit down and write this information. Please know that it is not often that I am kept awake until 3:00 am to receive information from spirit beings. However, given that 12:12:12 is now upon us and the energy is extremely heightened around this time, it was necessary to communicate this. This group, the Council of Light Beings, are a conglomeration of energies from the Pleadian, Sirian, and Andromedan star clusters. I have only received messages from them only twice before in the last 15 years, and I know that when they come, it is because there is something incredibly important to say. So I share this here with you all today. Note: except for spelling and grammar, this is unedited version. / Olena


You are all living in a time of great awakening. So much has been spoken about regarding this day. Many of you have spent much time generating so much energy thinking about what events would be surrounding this, as if some cataclysmic fearful thing were to occur. In fact this 12:12:12 is a sacred one, and the event is really YOU!

You dear ones are not only the propagators of the shift but you ARE the shift in awareness that has been building for some time now on the planet. This shift is really about transition. The 12:12 is nothing more than the celebration of a transition in awareness that has now occurred globally – on a very grand scale we might add. And the cataclysmic event is really about recognizing that once you have shifted into a broader level of awareness, you cannot return back. It is truly now about being turned inside out, moving through a one-way door of a shift in consciousness. And now more than ever before, the consciousness level has reached energy that does indeed result in what may feel like a cataclysmic event in your life. Think about this for a moment. Do you not feel like you are truly a different person from even six months ago, or even a year ago? Well you are, even if you may not realize it in a larger scale, but the changes are now evident more than ever. And on a more global scale, have your institutions not begun to crumble over the past few years, whether it be religious, government, political, or economical? Has there not been great upheaval with the past year, but along with it, did you notice the leap in consciousness change?

This transition is not something to fear however. We understand that fear may very well be evident as your world goes through this consciousness shift, because change to some can be felt as fear. Anything that which breaks down, breaks down before you know what will be in its place. And it is the unknown of what is to come in its place is what generates the fear.  In order though to change and move through a paradigm shift, there is an inherent requirement that beliefs, values, thoughts, structures, and views must break down. And the difficulty lies in letting go of what is breaking down. As humans it is habitual to want to hold on to what is secure, to what we know or think we know is safe and permanent. Of course, in order to make room for the new, the old must be removed.

Many of you have awakened already to your awarenesses about yourselves, especially the most important one–that YOU are own creator of your life, and your destiny in this world. It is YOU that holds, and has always held, the power to shape the way who you wish to be, what you want to do, and what you project out into this world. The Truth is that YOU always held that power, but only now, due to this transitional shift, you can fully see this and grasp it.

And now it is time to fully step into this place of awareness and use it to its fullest extent. The point that we wish to make is that in whatever fashion is necessary to let things go, this is the time – whether that includes letting go of lower energies of people that bring you down or drain your energy, thoughts that are no longer useful for you, beliefs that you hold in your heart and mind that may require evaluation and and an open mind to change. Anything that does not align with the ‘new you’ so to speak bears evaluation, and is a requirement to make this shift more easily. Equally, aligning and surrounding yourself with those who do share your consciousness and awarenesses is much more powerful as the combined synergy of many is what creates changes and can manifest desires on a larger scale.

What we especially want to say is this: You are now here and are holding the awareness of total free choice. And while this is a key that everyone has held within them, the difference is that you know it consciously now. And know that everything that you think, say, do, you can choose, and is what can allow you to live your life within a broader canvas. You are no longer a victim to any circumstance around you. What you speak, what you think, what you do, all becomes manifest. So the question now dear ones, that you need to ask yourselves is – what do I choose ? This is truly the most powerful tool that lies within all of you, and to consciously recognize that fully is definitely worthy of celebration. For in the awareness of choice, lies true power. This is what 12:12:12 is really about – the reclaiming of that power of choice.

Ground yourselves – take time to go out onto the Great Mother Earth and reconnect with her. For she as well evolves with you. Sit, stand, lie down, touch the earth, surround yourself in the trees, anything that will help you feel that heart connection once again Gaia. For she is as much a part of you as you are a part of her. Keep your intentions clear. Open your minds and heart to what you choose and desire, and wish to manifest. As your globe is in time of great acceleration of awareness, what you think and feel will be created that much faster now. Therefore, be consciously aware of what is it that you wish, and how you wish to be.

We are blessed to have had the opportunity to communicate with you today. In great Love and Light, Namaste./


Copyright © IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2012. All Rights Reserved

You are welcome to connect with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)