Discovering your own Points of Light – A Pleiadian Collective Post-Election Message

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Collective/Emissaries of Light, AA Michael, StarBeings channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, both in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 118 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.



Discovering your Own Points of Light – A post-election Pleiadian Collective message

Isn’t it interesting is it not? Your circumstances that you find yourselves in at this time? Such a complete turn of events, in many of your minds. Not at all what a great lot of you expected to happen correct? And for so many as well, a shockwave that has reverberated not only across your pond, but has had far reaching effects throughout all countries, around your world, and yes, even throughout the galaxy too. What has this shown you all? What has this brought forward from the depths of your hearts and souls that perhaps at one time, it would not have been visible? In the face of the slumbering political hats that have emerged, albeit temporarily, there are all of you, and the points of lights that shine from within. That is what was truly necessary to have been shown to you as a result of this event.

Many of you are discovering and seeing(!) your own points of light within yourselves. That was the larger purpose of this dear ones! It was all too easy during the process of your elections to shift into chaotic feelings of anger, divisive words and actions, sadness and fear. This process was meant to bring all this up to the surface for you to see directly – in your face as you say – as a direct exercise of free choice. Will I now choose to feel all these, and feed the beast, or will I shift into feelings of inclusivity, of light and love, moving the radius outward to include the beast too! Even beasts have a purpose and they too have a right to awaken at some point right?

The deeper soul purpose for all of you is to decide where you wish to sit within you today. We are giving this channel a visual for understanding – the Buddha and Buddhadharma. You are now faced with moving into a different soul state that you have not ventured into prior to this time. And these elections have shown you several things – one, that the sleeping beast has been unleashed, albeit an unstable energy, the kind that has not matured, and does not know yet how to handle its own energy force; two, that in the face of this instability that swirls around you, to remain solid and grounded and to let go of the dramas and traumas that come forward, and three, for you recognize just what your own Light actually feels like! Just like was espoused in the Buddhadharma, this is the time to step forward and feel Compassion, to feel Gratitude, to feel Forgiveness, to feel Love.

This is what really feeling the Light within includes. What this means for each of you dear ones is to step into a state of feeling within each of you now on a moment by moment basis – that is your purpose, that is your mission which these events have simply highlighted for you in a rather dramatic and shocking way we might add. Many of those who slumber still, who are preparing to step into this political office, and equally those who are not, need empowering and awakening as well. They will eventually, but in the meantime, you are the Lightworkers here, and it is necessary to stay on the higher road. And sometimes it also necessary to reach down and give those that slumber, a hand or leg up as you say. For many are still swept up in their illusions of shadows, and they remain confused around what is ‘real’ and what is not. And it those illusions, the ones that believe that the shadows were real, are what elected this person to the current office of power. The unstable immature energy, the in-between stage where boys are turning into men and are still in the state of transition, will not remain. It does not have a firm footing, simply because it is not aware of where to place them yet. During this time, it is all up to you, the Lightworker to stay solid with your ‘middle road’ thoughts – do not give into the fears, listen to others with a higher heart of compassion but no judgment. If you feel yourself being pulled into another’s fears, or strong emotions, catch that, make an adjustment within, let it go and keeping going.

Already we tell you there will be even more upheaval within the next three months, more than you already have experienced up until now. There is no question that your new and improved United States will now be emerging forward and the one that has been entrusted with the Keys of the new Constitution, the one that was originally grounded in the Light will be coming forward to play out his Soul purpose as well. Do not fear what lies ahead, it has already been encoded and mapped out as part of the greater plan. As your Earth inhabitants move thought this period, and America in particular, ensure that you stay on the course of the high road, connect with others on the path, those that share your higher feelings, and be with those who soar higher with you.

The stage has already been set for massive change, and has moved past the point of no return. Thanks to all of you! YOU wished for change and it it happening. But the chaotic yet slumbering beasts must rise in the middle of it, in order to become visible to all. That was the reason why your elections moved in the direction it did at this time. And shortly, it will move in another. The test for all of you is stay that middle and yet higher road within you.

A final suggestion from us – practice your meditation daily, envision your own point of light within (now that you feel it!), connecting to another’s point of light, and another and another. See the points connecting as the matrix that it really is. Now strengthen the visual of that point of light. See it expanding larger so that each point now is a larger radius than before. See it expanding until the radius of each circle now touches another’s radius, until they all overlap and blur, and ultimately no longer discernable. Now you have a blanket of light traversing the globe and beyond. Put this into practice several times in your day, thus creating a perpetual feeling of higher resonance within you. Carry this throughout your daily activities, even those through your computer or television screens. Remember, you are powerful through your compassion, through your connections, through your awareness. That is what you bring to the table today. And that is what we wish for you to know at this time.

So Be It/The Pleiadian Collective



Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2016. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Earth Energy Report: Crank up the Acceleration – A Pleiadian Collective message

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Collective/Emissaries of Light, AA Michael, StarBeings channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, both in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 118 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


EARTH ENERGY REPORT – Solar Eclipse – Crank Up the Acceleration

[Author note: About 5 days ago, in the wee hours of the night/morning, I heard the distinctive voice of the Pleaidians as I have come to know well; they nudged me at 2 am my time to tell me to get ready as there was a massive turn of events about to occur. Very general message at that moment, no particular context, however I was given a global picture in it with a separation between the inner and outer arenas. If one were to see a picture of the earth, with one side of it cut or sliced away, you could see an inner core  and the surface all at the same time. In this vision, I could see a lot of activity, life forms that make their home in the Inner Earth, living ‘underground’ you could say. While this was something I had been aware of for a while, it was the first time, I was shown a visual snippet of what inner Earth looked like. And what was transpiring on the outer Earth was not even remotely close in how it was operating. And that the great battle currently happening on the outer was to eventually process out and balance inner with outer. I believe there was a movie once called Battlefield Earth. And this was the picture and words the I was given. This is truly now that – the outer is the battle field, and the inner is waiting patiently for it to come to a close.]


Greetings Beloved Ones – We bring you this message today on the state of your world affairs and the current energy shifts and flux that is occurring at this time. There is no doubt that your world now is in a deep state of stress, of unrest, of great division. Both the recent lunar eclipses, portal energetic openings and light code that have washed over many of you, has resulted in creating and exposing a much deeper divide than ever before.

Let us explain. Globally speaking, you have your goings on, on your planetary surfaces, on the outer plane. Equally, there is much activity happening on the inner plane as well. As the Mother Gaia and shifted and transcended herself into a higher dimensional frequency, fifth dimension and beyond. On the inner earth plane there are many beings that reside, that currently carry this expanded frequency of consciousness; they have resided there for many millennia, waiting for the time that all once again may be re-connected. That time is now fast approaching Dear Ones, however there is still many hurdles to get through.

The great division that is in front of you now has been created by a two-fold operation. One, the choices that were made by many to step further into a higher way of being, a more conscious way of living and behaving, with equally many who have chosen to remain exactly where they are and have been for a very long time. Two, the choice to step into the higher playing field of consciousness resulted in making the choice to hit the accelerator speed button so to speak, leaving the rest to walk at a “snails pace”.  Far too many of you decided that you had remained stagnant and stuck for too long, and that it was time to move forward, and quickly. No longer could you hold on to old thought, old beliefs, old behaviours, old words that tied you down in the past, much of it as a direct result of the suppression of your true origins, identities and knowledge. A great many of you decided internally that this was just no longer viable or acceptable and that it was time to break free of the chains that bound you.

You, Dear Ones, became your own Catalysts for the change that you sought out, whether you were consciously aware of it or not. But you took the leap, and your bravery is applauded greatly. We sit in a place, observing how you choose to play out this great experiment that your Earth has undergone numerous times now. For we once too sat in the position that you are in now. We too experienced wars, stress, division; we too stepped forward and evolved over time. We are now in a position, and have been for a very long time to help guide you through the current division that has occurred, and eventual integration into a higher and more refined frequency of being.

Events on your surface will be moving more quickly now, more swiftly simply because you have requested it.

Make no mistake Dear Ones, there is no third party entity that is ‘pulling the strings’ in one direction or another regarding your planet’s and your race’s evolution. It is all of you, the Collective planet that is choosing to be the catalyst in one direction or another, within each of yourselves. In recent times however, many of you as a collective decided that enough was enough, and pushed the inner ‘speed button’ and stepped it up. And for this, we are very proud of you all. With speed however, comes change at a much faster pace than before. With speed also comes those who are still choosing to hang on and remain where they are, to hold on even tighter, for fear of losing that identity, that way of being they have become used to over many many generations. Eventually, they too will break free of this, albeit much more slowly. In the interim, the struggle, the deeper divisions, the disparity between the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ will be more prominent.

As you navigate through these divisive waters in your next few months, we would like to say to you, that it is important to not allow yourselves to be swayed by the chaos and stress. Just like being in the eye of the hurricane, the message is to stay centered as you go about your daily lives. Stay true to your essence, and do not allow the chaotic emotionality that surrounds you now, particularly in the economic and political fronts of your countries, to bring you down. Engage in activities that keep your energy up and high – your trees, your oceans, your creative and artistic channels, these are just of many avenues to keep yourself sustained as the chaos rages all around. Stay on the course. Truly we say, stay on the course. For there really is light at the end of the tunnel. It is already in front of you, as you step into a new way of transformation of highly conscious beings.

So Be It // The Pleiadian Collective



Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2016. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Earth Energy Report: The Lunar Leap – An AA Michael message

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Collective/Emissaries of Light, AA Michael, StarBeings channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, both in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 118 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


EARTH ENERGY REPORT – Lunar Eclipse – An AA Michael and Angelic Team Message


[Author Note: Once again, as I sit down and prepare for what is often a message from The Pleiadian Collective, I sometimes get surprised and out comes something different. The big message here is one of not hanging on to anything, whether it’s a way of thinking, or direction, belief or expectation. And clearly I was shown this very quickly, by the sudden appearance of AA Michael.  This 1st Eclipse out of three is showing us how to move more into the space of flow, and to shift into in the state of being; by doing so, we need to just let go, get out of our own and not hang on to anything whatsoever, on any level. This is the space of where magic and miracles occur. A powerful lesson for sure.]


Beloved Ones, what an intense this has been has it not? First, your most recent energetic sweep in August – your latest Light code downloads though the “Lions Gate”, and it did certainly come in with a roar! Many of you felt the intensities through your physical selves, yes, but more so on the emotional levels of your being, placing many in a position of slowing down, taking a rest, taking more time to contemplate, differentiate, and crystallize what you really need versus what you think you want. This was, and still is, a time of refinement, a time of honing down with more and more clarity, what type of person do you wish to be, examining and re-examining what you believe in and feel strongly about, becoming more aware of what it means to accept another’s differences and yet still respect the person for who they are. In other words, going beyond the viewpoint, the opinion, and seeing people as a soul that is on journey, just like you, just like everyone.

The Lunar Leap

The Lunar Leap

On the heels of the “Lions Gate”, comes another wonderful event – your first of three eclipses, starting with the Lunar moving into your sphere very shortly. The recent intensity that you all have recently experienced will now be left to integrate in deeper  levels in your vibrational fields, and eventually move its way towards transformation – the ultimate goal, moving towards awareness of the Crystal Core that all Humans possess. The means Beloved Ones, that at times in order to achieve this goal, you must face many things – the Shadow side is what is prevalent as part of this Ascension spiral. It is purposely there for you to face, to see, to learn from, and to acknowledge and ultimately accept it as a gift. For without it, it would be very difficult to move forward with ease. Let us translate this concept into more palatable and practical situations. Are you feeling resentful of others? When you see someone doing something creative or great, what is your immediate internal response? Is it one of Joy towards the other, or is something else triggering for you? Are you feeing angry, frustrated or even anxious especially when you listen the current chaotic economic and political climates that are prevalent in many countries around the globe? If you are competing with someone, such as the example of the current Olympic games, can you see the other as a soul rather someone to act negatively towards because they won the game or perhaps they are of a different culture than you? Do you sacrifice your own need to succeed or be on top to help others, or do you proceed ahead regardless without compassion or empathy? These, and many Shadow parts that are now front and center as you approach your Lunar shift.

Beloved Ones, we bring you this message at this time, to assist you in seeing that addressing the Shadow is an integral step towards making an intense internal shift in consciousness. Face your fears only to acknowledge them, but then release them gently and with grace and ease. There is no longer the option of hanging on – whether it is internal such as emotional or mental aspects ie. beliefs, expectations and such, or even physical such as material things that perhaps do not serve a deep purpose in your life. As one of your many sayings go, ‘you can’t take it with you’, as you fast-track on the Ascension road. These moments arriving are opportunities to step forward and shed all that you have been hanging on to so tightly – whether it is beliefs about another person, judgments about cultures, genders and similar situations. Whether it is a choice of words, a choice of thought, or feelings, it is yet another window of opportunity to allow your Soul now to move into the front and center position – to be the driving force, and rise above the three dimensional fray. Moving beyond the me, myself and I viewpoint and shifting into exclusivity of others is now what these next several weeks will start to be defined as.

This is the leap that is now available for you to take – now.

For this is what tapping into the knowledge of Spirit is about Dear Ones and becoming more conscious of integrating the higher vibration that of which is your Soul through the remaining layers – emotional, mental, and physical.

We will continue with future messages as the remainder of the Eclipses approach. For now, in these next few days and weeks, remember, these are moments to approach with more awareness, more thoughtfulness and intention. Before you speak or write, think about whether it is kind or loving, or is it necessary to be said at all? Is there something in your life that you planned or counted on happening a certain way or certain time, and a block appeared, leaving you wondering or doubting whether your decisions were the right ones? Can you respond differently and accept that there is a larger picture at work? For it is the small shifts on these internal levels, that ultimate lead to the ones on a larger scale and ultimately the goal of transformation – which is what you all are moving towards.

As always, we are here to guide you, to protect you, and to surround you with immense Love and Support.   WE ARE Archangel Michael and Angelic Team.//



Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2016. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

August Solar Sweep – Light Code Download and DNA Upgrade

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Collective/Emissaries of Light, AA Michael, StarBeings channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, both in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 118 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


The rapidity of the SOLAR GAMMA RAY SWEEP is here. It kicked off starting August 1 – depending on where you are located in the world, it would have affected you at different times of the day, and will affect everyone differently as well, depending how much more settled you are in your 5D self versus clinging onto the 3D world. However you will personally experience the new Light Code sweep, here are a few tips for the next 24-48 hours – this is the time to:
~ slow down, and
~ integrate
~ rest or sleep if you feel extra tired
~ drink a lot of water
~ make more of a physical connection with the earth (outside)
~ take more physical care of your body in general

Solar Wave sweep

Solar Wave sweep

~ sweating and random ‘hot flashes’
~ headaches and dizziness
~ vertigo or vertigo like spinning
~ ‘heavy’ feeling of the body or even emotions
~ joint aches, esp around ankles and wrists
~ extreme need for sleep and deep fatigue
~ thirst for water or lighter beverages
~ need for eating lighter foods, such as greens, fruits, vegetables
~ muscle aches especially in the legs, lower and upper back
~ mid body/abdominal upheavals (i.e. stomach pains, heartburn, heaviness, digestive upsets)
~ physical ‘purging’ ie. material things, cleaning house, removing what is not needed
~ crying for no reason
~ feeling very overwhelmed, sometimes just ‘out of the blue’
~ feeling surges of motivation to just get out there and ‘do it’
~ rapid thought patterns, overworry, ‘churning’ of the mind that you can’t shut off
~ deeper and more profound visions
~ better, much ‘sharper’ connection with those across the Veil
~ more rapid ‘downloading’ of information that seems to just ‘come through’


Much like Full Moon, communications and devices might experience intermittent disruption, slow-down, or complete breakdown – phones, emails, computers, televisions, internet, etc…

(The Pleiadian Collective speaks:) “In these next 24-48 hours, as these Solar sweeps occur, know that this is simply part of the next DNA Upgrade. As many are propelled into their 5D Light Body, there will be equally continued resistance by the 3D realm to hang on to their ‘turf’ so to speak. Simply watch these happening around you, and do not give into the ‘drama’ of it playing out, for it is simply undergoing its own process of the shift in its own way, in its own time. Take care of your person [physical and emotional body] as you go through this spiral upgrade. Rest, take it easy, drink pure fluids, take moments for the self-care and rejuvenation. This will make the process easier for many of you. Everything is proceeding as it needs to be.
And so it is – Blessings to all//”


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2016. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Earth Energy Report – The Sky is Falling

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Collective/Emissaries of Light, AA Michael, StarBeings channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, both in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 118 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


EARTH ENERGY REPORT – A Pleiadian Collective Message – The Sky is Falling

[Author’s note: I woke up this morning, not planning to write anything actually. So many other ‘earthly’ things to do and take care of. But as Spirit goes, downloaded messages never come on my timetable, but Spirit’s timetable. The key is whether to listen or to ignore and keep on. I choose to listen and act, because that is part of my soul duty to be honest. And I grateful for being blessed for fast finger typing, because it allows me to dash off these quick messages long before someone would finish a cup of coffee. But reader, you can follow my experiential blog posts for more on that fascinating quality! For now, let’s refocus – this past week has been so intense, I know this has been written about many many times over the years, we have had numerous waves, numerous moments where every person has experience his or her personal intensity and energetic challenge. This past week was no exception. But again, I woke up this morning, with this feeling of heaviness, and as I reflect on this, I think its’ due in part not only to the shift around the globe, but to the American elections, plus the rapid toppling of governments, economies, financial castrophies, coups, you name it. It’s the rapidity of it all, wherein every day there will be something, everyday I wake up what else is there, what else could happen today. And so, as I sat down here, I received the vision of Chicken Little, running in the streets “The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling”, and so, this is what briefly came forward after that:]


The Sky is Falling. Or so you think Dear Ones. The Sky may look it’s falling from the perspective of many , and especially those who would like you to believe that catastrophes are happening around you. From a pure ascension energetic standpoint, yes it does seem catastrophic, but only because when consciousness spirals upward, that which does not join the spiral journey stands firm in its desire to cling and hang on, thus creating chaos. This is the disruption on many levels. The inner conflict. The inner turmoil which translates to those desiring to hang on versus those letting go and moving upward. Right in the middle of those, lies conflict. The greater feeling of struggle, the greater the roots of the conflict, therefore the greater resistance that is occurring right now and its ensuing chaos. Your political schemes have been front and center in this arena of resistance and chaos, no? The United Kingdom toppled swiftly as the people stepped forward and said enough is enough, we want our power back. The governments of Turkey as well will undergo change, it is already in motion at this time, and eventually a new platform will be created there. Venezuela as well – there will be a change over, and new energy will take its place. Canada already set the seeds in motion through its landslide change. The Americas which have had deep wounded roots running through its veins more than just centuries of your time. Think about other moments in your history, where power of the people, through the necessary chaos, won out – walls came down between the two Germanies, USSR broke down and no longer existed in the form that it once was. The European Union will eventually no longer be the way it currently is too.

Dear Ones, there is no one person, male nor female, than becomes the saviour, no matter you would like to believe. Hence the fallacy of “The Sky is Falling”, cry.

There is no magical external saviour – other than you, the people. You. Are. It.

The true catastrophe is not the negative as many in the forefront would like you to believe. The catastrophe is the illusion that signals that massive internal change is afoot, a change that was triggered by you, the people so long ago actually. So you see, these rapid sweeps are not happening beyond your control, and not because you do not want them to, they are happening because you did! You, the people, are now at the precipice of great change and yes for some, the great change is masked by the message of The Sky is Falling, and that you are all doomed. Will there be continued changes and chaos? Yes, for now. This is a must, as everything as we have said before, clings and resists change, wants to hang on for dear life, will create conflict as it tries mightily to stay where it is. But the power of the people will come through – eventually, yes it will. New platforms, new foundations all around are already being created in many forms, however with some, the old foundations must come down to metaphorical rubble before the new can take shape. There will be new creativity, new ideas, new ways of being and doing – you have not seen this yet, but it is happening.

Sometimes certain things have to metaphorically fall, more accurately have to be removed, to be unceremoniously ‘plucked out’ of situations, in order to quickly insert a new and improved energy in its place. This is currently evident in the American and British political systems – the swiftness of out with the old, in with the new. But what is necessary here is to simply bless them and send them lovingly on their way. We give you the picture of sitting in movie theater – allow yourself to simply sit back and watch the show, rather than being caught up in the emotionality of it all, the fear, the anger, the despair. And when you see Chicken Little running across the screen crying out The Sky is Falling The Sky is Falling, simply chuckle at it and see it for what it truly is – an entertaining show of a chicken running across your visual screens.

No, the Sky is not Falling dear ones. However, the Sky is truly Changing. The curtains are parting however, so you can see what is really happening behind the scenes. The eyes are opening so you have a better view of what has lain suppressed and dormant for millennia. So Dear Ones, in these days to come, and yes there will be good days arriving, be patient. Be patient within yourselves, your every day moments, and with others as well. For nothing is on a schedule or timeline that perhaps you would like it to be. Know that everything around you, in this globe is happening as it should, in its correct time, and correct way.
Bless you all. And so it is. //The Pleiadian Collective


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2016. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)