LIght Codes

CLEARLY SEEN: Earth Energy Report – September 2014

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, AA Michael channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 105 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


EARTH ENERGY REPORT – September 2014: A Pleiadian Collective Message

So here we are again, paused at another precipice in your personal evolutionary journey. You have accomplished much in over your short periods of time, namely the last several months especially. Humanity has grown by leaps and bounds – your conscious shall we has exploded of sorts, much like pulling a lever and allowing the pinball to move in all different directions. This describes not only the impetus that you as a race have had to illicit change within yourselves, but now the rewards that you are experiencing at this time – the acceleration of awareness, the desire to clean up and clear out anything that has held you back and stood in your way. Now is the time once again, to clear out more of the garbage – true – but in a different way than before.

Your Earth has for some time now has been waking with you, evolving in Her own journey too, allowing Her own consciousness to come forward in order to become in Harmony with Her inhabitants – you! During this reawakening process, many Light Codes have been downloaded through your inner energetic portals – your chakras for examples in order to help you reconnect that which has always lain deeper within your ancestral memories. This next wave of energetic sweeping, you will once again be faced with clearing out what is no longer necessary to carry, but will now bring you into a different foundation than you have ever experienced before. You are coming into a time of Adjustment, where the triggers of the Light Codes, such as the 11:11, 12:12 on your time clocks or dates, the resurgence of emotional pieces deep within, the pulling of your heart calling you to move and act on in certain directions, and memories of your deeper purposes of why you are here, are all part of the Integration that you have now undergone these last several months.

You are now in that time period that dictates rebuilding the “House” that you have chosen to live in for so long.

Remember, all of you came to the Earth with the full knowledge of the Grand Design, not just the Design of the Universe, but the Design of Who You Are as an individual, as a race, and Who You Want to Be as you spiral through continuous re-creation. In addition, you carry the codes for full awareness of how to build this Earth that you reside on.

As has been mentioned in past transmissions, this knowledge that has been encoded in your ancient DNA and cellular constructs, includes all the blueprints, all the original sets of the Design, ready and waiting for you to become aware of it and put into action when the time was correct. This is that time. Now that energetic adjustments have taken place (which we will add has been occurring specifically since 12-12-12, you are now ready to take your place and access the information stored in these Light Codes. This is the information as to how you wish to this Earth Be like, and how You wish to Be Like in conjunction – and you have gained access to it now. Remember, this Earth is by and large Your Creation! Know that in order to become aware and understand that these blueprints exist (yes this is your treasure!), it is equally important to know that there is the pre-design as well. In order to know the blueprint, you must have already had a pre-conceptualized idea of the end result, in order to create it in the first place.

Just like constructing the house, the blueprint is the instructional and intentional structural design with the end result already pre-envisioned.

And that someone who had a hand in creating it all – was each and every one of you. It was you that decided to take Higher Dimensional Knowledge from places far away from your Earth – your Star Systems of which you are and always have been a part of. It was you that chose to use this Knowledge as a model to seed a New Earth – the one you have on. Dear Ones, you took that original vision and formed into a structure, with instructions of course, and purposely embedded it into your cellular memories so that one day – of which you are now in – you would wake to remember what you stored there so long ago. You see, this is how you are both a Creator and Builder of your own Design. What is happening now on Earth and within you individually is like a house renovation. Much of your “foundations” that have been built over multi-millenia has not been functioning to its highest potential and capacity to date. And through all of you – your willingness to stand up and decide that what you have become as an Earthly race is no longer acceptable, is what is at play here. What was motivating that awareness through each and every one of you is the deep knowing that there is another, better, and ‘higher’ Design that was meant all along.

Get ready for another Light Code sweep

Get ready for another Light Code sweep

This next wave in your month coming up, is about you Arising within yourselves and moving deeper into the knowledge of these blueprints, these pieces or nuggets of awareness of what needs to not only change, but now what needs to be put into its place. This includes the role you are now re-evaluating on a personal level as to how you wish to be, how you wish to conduct yourself as a human being, how you choose to respond in your interactions with others, and above all, how your deeper individual purpose needs to be expressed just like the thread of spider’s web. For your individual expression is that thread that is inherently connected to the matrix of the whole.

There are many who are keenly watching you as to how you choose to evolve and rebuild your Earth, for its purpose was equally to serve as a model for other planetary systems as well. There are many in your star systems who are far more advanced in their evolutionary awareness, and many who are still awakening as well. The matrix is far beyond anything you could truly envision at this point, Dear Ones, but know that everything that you do, really does have a ripple effect not just on your planet, but through the vast stretches of Universes.

Just as much as you are a point on the matrix, the Earth Herself is equally a point on it too.

How you rebuild your House is crucial now – as what you now choose to Release into the ethers, will boomerang back with a greater force than it ever has been to date. In these next 30 days of your time, your Light Codes will be released in greater intensity, from the Earth (through the rumblings, shakings, fire columns [editor note: meaning earthquakes and volcanic eruptions]), from your Sun (through solar flares), your Moon (through vivid dreams, intense emotions, visions, ear ringing, etc), and Star Systems too. Some of you may still experience these changes through the physical body as well – as always these feelings are temporary and will pass in due course.

There will be many who will be choosing to leave your planet at this time, as their purpose here is no longer serving its purpose, and they are choosing to become part of the rebuild in another, higher form. Bless them, for they too are awakening to that deeper awareness of their purpose as well, and simply choosing to readjust how they wish to express that purpose.

In addition, one of the hidden treasures that you have carried from the beginning is Intuition, your ‘wireless’ connection to All That Is surrounding you. For that is part of your blueprint as well Dear Ones. We see that many of you are finally allowing this to work for you, rather than sitting passively by and observing others using it. For the Grand Design was never one of exclusion but of inclusion. We say, the time is now, to fully embrace this as part of your treasure trove, and use it to its fullest capacity that was meant for. By utilizing your intuitive guidance within, you are stepping into your power as an Emotional and sensory being, and thus flinging the inner doors as to your own individual and deeper purposes. So use it as it’s meant to Dear Ones!

As always, remember that you are greatly loved. We, as the Pleiadian Collective, continue to oversee your evolutionary choices, and we would like you to know how deeply we sit in gratitude at the wonderful work that you as a human race of accomplished so far. Blessings to you all/*


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2014. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

Prediction Updates & New Visions – August 24, 2014

Predictions as posted in Predictions and New Visions – August 1, 2013

GLOBAL- NEW VISIONS (Areas/Events as visualized from the “3rd Eye” Map) July 31/13  1B. V: further repetition around the visual of tropical fruits such as pineapples, along with the vision of heavy rain and buffeting wind. Geographically, this was showing as around the Hawaiian Islands, although I am also seeing the Philippines being affected by a storm (tropical, typhoon) of this nature.

August 10, 2013

Hovering over a globe (as per normal visual views), the globe on its axis spins and rests over Iceland. Seeing clouds of smoke billowing, ground shaking – feeling rumbling through my body as it moves through the earth. No major spews, but the kinesthetic impression that this small one was in preparation for another after it. Spirit Voice (auditory) – “there will be two, it has been while” [earthquakes?]

August 6, 2014: 3 separate visions:

1. Visions of Tehran, Iran, sounds of sirens in the distance, visions of the mosques and I am hovering over them, seeing the haze blanketing the sky, hearing voices that I don’t understand – the language is one I’m not familiar. Same sounds of sirens and warnings echoing through the city, as in an emergency or disaster, like air raid sirens – as prior to 9-1-1 event. Vision changes here to showing me a small replay of the events of 2001. Suddenly seeing a plane crash or explode – fire ball in the sky.

2. Vision changes to a cloud of smoke billowing from the sky, like a column, ground is shaking. Same country – I am standing just on the ground next to a mosque [earthquake?]

3. Vision changes again to see ‘waves of energy’ permeating the globe, much like seeing a heat wave hovering above the ground on a very hot day. Once again, a brief replay of 9-1-1 events but showing the countries US and Iraq/Iran. But this time, it was seen encapsulating everyone – the entire globe was energetically affected. Spirit Voice (auditory) intervenes here and says “this event will send shockwaves around your globe – these events are linked with these countries – gamechanger”.

4. Vision of train moving through mountains – picture of St Bernard dog walking through Alps, carrying something around his neck. Red flag with white cross. Passengers on the train – collision. Auditory: many are hurt

What has happened in the News:

August 5, 2014 Hurricane Iselle/Tropical Storm Julio (reference to Vision July 31, 2013)

August 10, 2014 Iran Plane crash (in reference to Vision 1 August 6, 2014)

August 13, 2014 Swiss Train derailment: (in reference to August 6, 2014)

August 17, 2014 Iran Earthquake (in reference to Vision 2 August 6, 2014)

August 19, 2014 James Foley (in reference to Vision 3 August 6, 2014)

August 22, 2014  Iceland earthquake (in reference to Vision August 10, 2013)


NEW Visions and Predictions August 24, 2014 as of 7 am HAST: (reference note: Visual = what I see, Auditory = what I hear, Sensory = what I feel in body and/or emotions ie empathic)

1. Visual: US map – pointing to Nebraska and Arkansas. Auditory: cyclone coming – approaching these areas, 30 people. Sensory: there is quickness around this, little warning, comes out of nowhere

2. Visual: passenger train speeding through mountains Switzerland sign points “Russia This Way”, switching to mass of soldiers marching in full file, wearing olive green uniforms with red sash, black boots with rifles. Suddenly the group splits apart like a divide and solider all fall down on the ground sideways. Switching again to showing Swiss Army knife with blade bent and broken. Auditory: Swiss Alps / Russia (train reference), “they will all fall down, war is no longer a necessary choice”. Sensory: references to war, unacceptability of the fight, awareness of impact of these choices over time, people are fed up

3. Visual: showing missing Malaysian flight 370, mountains in the background. Auditory: cover up, like a blanket it is well hidden, electrical fault, not the pilot, seek out the male passenger connection with one on the ground wearing a vest – one that you would never think about, look at the base of the mountain – it is there


#1-Visual: globe spinning and stopping over Northwest coast of Africa, between Spain/Gibraltar and African coastline, Morocco, image of a ship with large sails moving up the coastline, then changing to mid ocean away from land. Smaller boats appear alongside with the larger stopping and what looks like men boarding it. Visuals of jewels, treasure chests, reference to movie Hook. [piracy abduction perhaps?]

#2-Visual: switches to a ship below the ocean, same area (northwest coast of Africa) Auditory: this sunken ship is found, very old, full of surprises

5. Visual: map changes to a weather map over Northeast coast of US, showing colour changes of red, orange, yellow (as in severity) coming from the Atlantic. Auditory: hurricane, heavy winds and rain, Eastern seaboard

6. Visual: space ship / probe moving through space. Auditory: Neptune – it will land this time, it has been there for sometime now – connections and communication will be made finally

7. Visual: picture of Winter Games ie Olympics, skiing event, watching a competitor move through an aerial? event, flying through the sky then landing and crashing, rolling down the hill then sideways hitting the flags, person rolls and remains still lying sideways, can’t move – people rush to rescue, person is moved onto stretcher head in a board. Auditory: Nagano, Japanese, move gone wrong

8. Visual: Shakespearean play, dress/costumes of royalty, crowns, velvet clothes, black shoes with buckles. Auditory: beloved entertainer, actor from across the sea passes, England – it was his time


[Editors Note: as seems to be norm at this time, there are very few timeframes given for the above visions – if they are given it will be mentioned specifically, however know that information refinement from Spirit is happening on a regular basis, so we hope to start including more specific frames of reference as we proceed – feel free to add your commentary to any potential event ie vision, sense etc  that you may receive too. Notice that many of the recent events this month, coincided with relatively short periods of time between the information and the events. A big difference from even last year at this time(!), of which we are pleased. As always, keep reading and if you intuit information, I would like to hear from you in the Comments section.]


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2014. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

CLEARLY SEEN: Earth Energy Report February 2014 – Galloping into the Year of the Horse

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele. Olena has been a Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, AA Michael channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 90 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES. ________________________________________________________________________________

EARTH ENERGY REPORT for February 2014 – Galloping into the Year of the Horse + Predictions/Probabilities for Horse Year

On January 31, 2014, we ushered in the Lunar Chinese Year of the Wood Horse, also known as the Jade Green Horse. Horse is by nature a dually energetic mix of gentleness and solidity (the Wood element), as well as being fiery in nature when stimulated. Horse is characteristic of adventure, freedom, and being free of constraints. It’s all about breaking free and running wild whenever Horse energy is around. And yet, Horse is stalward, focused, and very grounded when the Fire within has simmered down. Horse is the true epitome of the perfect balance between solid and fluid. The key element within Horse itself, though, is Fire. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the element of Fire works in harmony with the Wood element, primarily by Wood nourishing and feeding Fire – this is the key feature in this New Year of the Horse – the stimulation of the aspect of Fire into Wood in order to facilitate movement and action. These characteristics and their operation in tandem are the prime drivers in this year 2014 as well as being especially strong in kicking off the month of February.

So how does all this relate to the energies riding into February? Well, the element of Fire is a very intense one, and this translates first off into a theme of ACTION and MOVEMENT. Visualize a fire suddenly rising up in the air burning up a storm – that is exactly how, on a personal level, this energy will start off this month. Taking action is the name of the game on this one, and involves a lot of quick changes right off the bat. This means more roller coaster rides of energy, more ups and downs, twists and turns, and even some of the hairpins and loop de loops – you know, that kind that just have you clinging to the edge of your seat barely able to hang on. That is Horse energy at full force. This energy of movement translates to starting new projects and ventures, acting on pending things that you perhaps had only thought about or promised yourself that one day you get to them but didn’t, as well as finally taking the plunge into new territories and going for the gusto.

If there was ever a great time to step into a forward action space, this is now!

yearofthehorseBecause Horse is always about movement and freedom, this also means that it is not necessary to be constrained by limitations, whether through thought processes (ie, telling yourself you can’t do something or excuses as to why) or emotional ones (ie, feeling passionate around work, relationships, purpose, etc.). The movement will be highlighted by a fiery surge from within (this is where the Fire element comes in to get the solid Wood aspect burning), and will be channeled into passionate pursuits. However the fiery passion also comes with another side – the understanding that it must be tended and managed, constructively and positively. This is the nature of the beast, as Horse energy can actually get out of control when left to its own devices – the fiery passion that you feel and the underlying restlessness, the ‘itch’ that you may have to get on with things and make quick changes – requiring you to manage it with both feet on the ground, so not allowing it to turn into wild impetuousness and potential destruction. That is the down side of utilizing Horse energy in a negative way. So practice good energy management – move forward positively, but do it with solid reason and intelligence.

The second theme for this month is about the role of the COLLECTIVE. The Universe in which we exist is made up of myriads of unseen forces. We are not alone in this vast space of Universe, and we are not here on this Earth to fend for ourselves and be left to our own devices.

You are constantly surrounded by teams of ‘invisible’ assistants that oversee not only your personal evolution but the planetary one as well.

In fact, your climb deeper on the energetic ascension ladder is crucial to the expansion of the vast infrastructure matrix of the Universe itself. Earth itself is poised to become a model for how its inhabitants can successfully exist in a higher dimension and being in a physical body. In order to support you on your personal journey of multi-dimensional awareness, which is what ascension is truly about, the Universe wants to tell you now, that you are an intuitive being, which means you are all conduits for the support and guidance that lies through the vast Universe and beyond. Your chakras and multiple energy vortices that you hold within your physical selves are actual portals or conduits for information, knowledge and wisdom to pour through, whenever you require it. The important part here is to take steps to become aware that these mini-portals on your person are your telephone lines to the ‘outside’ world. As intuitive beings, you have the capacity to draw on any kind of support and wisdom that you need to tackle challenges of daily living. You are being supported, be it financial or otherwise, and allowed to manifest what your heart desires from within. You always have supporters and collaborators on your side 24/7 in this unseen world. If you take time to turn your attention to a higher dimension, you will find them there, ready and waiting to assist you, as a collective group. And it doesn’t matter whether you refer to them as Guides, Universe, Creator, God, Angels, or whatever. What does matter is that you use this ‘free’ support and guidance powered under your own initiative and awareness. The collective around you is here for one purpose – and that is to see you as a human succeed into its higher evolutionary state. So this month, start down the path of tuning in – intentionally and actively. Ask for help. State your feelings. Turn your troubles over to the Universal Collective. And allow the assistance to come.

And finally, we have the theme of COMMUNICATIONS around MORALS and ETHICS. The energies this month will take a sharp turn around speaking out much more clearly than we ever have before. Stand up in a stronger and more vigorous way for our individual causes that we deem to be unfair, unethical or immoral. It won’t matter whether the issue looks small or large – the morality will be called out either way, and this will increase as the months wear on. There will be a much greater sense of what is wrong or right, what are acceptable or not acceptable behaviours and beliefs, resulting in more verbalization around this and challenging norms in a greater way. The personal hurdle that is being shown, however, will center around being able to communicate your views in a more powerful solid manner without the emotional charge and reactive responses as has been the typical pattern in the past. Because we are also moving into the Mercury Retrograde scenario as well, it will be a time where the seeming innocuous conversation will suddenly take a turn and shift into arguments that were never intended. The Wood element in Traditional Chinese Medicine is associated with the Liver organ. When Liver gets ‘ignited’ by Fire, the flames move quickly in an upward direction. Equally, the energy of emotion works the same way. Benign conversation suddenly gets ignited or charged, and the tone makes a sudden shift into a flame of emotion that resembles someone getting ‘hot under the collar’, being impatient and frustrated, combined with loud cursing and yelling. This is the other side of the Passionate energy that involves Fire and Wood. It can move in both directions.

The challenge for this month is to allow the Passion to come forward, but to deliver it in such a way that is powerful, yet coming from a solid place within you rather than being reactionary.

To do that requires you to become very clear in what you wish to say, and remove yourself from the emotion of delivery. Sleeping on an issue prior to verbalization helps to temper this.

Predictions and Probabilities for Lunar Horse Year of 2014:

I have been doing Predictions/Probabilities since around 2002. And invariably each time, I hesitate in using the word predictions as it implies that events are set ahead of time or planned out somewhere in the Universe and we are all at the mercy of someone else’s puppet strings. That is definitely not the case. What there are though are many potentials and probabilities of behaviour based on individual choices that one makes or thinks about at any given time. An energy reading around someone, something, or even on a global scale is referring specifically to upcoming changes and challenges, and the probabilities of certain things occurring based on the strength of the energy surrounding it. The stronger the energy, the closer in timeline and more specific in detail that probability becomes more realistic. With that in mind, here is some global energetic highlights in what the Lunar Horse Year of 2014 looks like, from my current point of insight (note – if I intuit a specific detail it will be mentioned):

Weather: an huge increase in volcanic and earthquake activity in Atlantic and South American regions, as well as typhoons and flooding more in the Asiatic areas; specifically I see volcanic activity occurring in areas that have been lying dormant and are now building up enough pressure to release that Earth energy that has been simmering below the surface. The theme that I’ve been ‘seeing’ is about dormancy waking itself up and coming to life. This will be prevalent this coming year.  Equally, the Wood and Fire elements will again play a major role with extreme temperature changes, hovering more on the heat end, along with major droughts and brush fires throughout the US especially. This will also be noticeable across the Australasian regions. The theme here will be one of extremes, with an emphasis on high temps, lengthy dry spells, and fires – especially where volcanoes and forest fires are concerned.

Medicine and Health: Again, Fire and Wood elements are rearing their heads here this year, and in keeping with that, there will be increase in Liver and Heart conditions. You will hear more about pathologies such as Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, inflammatory issues such  as joint disorders, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular issues such as angina, heart attacks, valve or structural issues, congestive heart failure, blood and toxic diseases of that nature will show itself as well. Gallbladder issues will be included here too ie stones and organ insufficiencies, regardless whether you have a gallbladder or not. The energy of a missing gallbladder will still prevail via the liver or other surrounding organs as a way of compensating. Wood element also governs musculo-skeletal areas – specifically tendons and ligaments in the body. Expect to see more issues arising in these areas: pulled tendons, acute accidents of this nature in sports, or a sudden ankle turning in a hole and pulling a ligament – you get the picture. Eye issues will show themselves too – ranging from the serious such as glaucoma to the more benign or idiopathic such as light flashes, iris or pupillary issues without an obvious cause. Some of these scenarios will show up as having no known basis, and may even deemed to be an anomaly, but they will occur. Alongside eyes, headaches will be more prevalent such as migraines. (Editor note: as with all diseases and conditions please have them checked out by your doctor regardless).  Mental health and addiction issues will arise more to the forefront with many people who are in the public eye revealing that they suffer from depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s, and the like. By doing so, this will take down the veil even more, and make a dent in the stigma that is often associated with such afflictions. The light will shine essentially on all of this, and we will see more of a humanitarian effort of compassion towards these causes. Beyond this, there will be more a light shone on more natural forms of medicine and healing. Herbal medicine, naturopathy, and utilization of medicines from Nature will start to become more accepted and will shift more and more into mainstream. The theme for this is Integration, and allowing different medicinal modalities to come forward and be used in a more customized manner. In other words, the one pill or one size fits all approach will be dashed, so we will see much more accepted individualized medicine emerging.

Travel and Movement: I see the energy hovering in strength over forms of travel that requires great speed that has a tendency to get out of control. In particular, trains will be become a focus, with more accidents and derailments occurring as a result. Car crashes are also highlighted here. In either case, they will be due to acts of negligence and recklessness. In other words, the fiery emotional charge will show itself and manifest into reckless, thoughtless decisions such as driving under the influence, street racing, or being distracted by technology while operating a speeding vehicle. These types of occurrences, although completely avoidable, will occur – the Fire emotion will surge high and will be the driving (no pun intended) force behind these situations. These of course can be prevented by being intelligent about your choices such as not drinking or texting or talking on the phone while driving.

Global Political / Government: These are general energetic overviews on this topic, and not focused on any particular country or political group. However, the Fire element within the communication aspect will be front and center here where our governments around the world will be concerned. Once again, what may start off as a benign talk, will escalate quickly with heated exchanges occurring, which will make any potential of positive negotiations and the goal of peaceful relationships and cooperation, move downhill. More so, sudden and extreme political movements such as instigating war-like behaviour, obliterating corrupt leadership, will also be seen, again in keeping with the sudden Fire uprising element about it. Acts such as these will be met with a much harsher backlash globally, with people being held more accountable for their actions and behaviours.  As well, economically there will be shift even more than in recent years to exposing more corrupt practices especially in the banking industry, and where human rights are concerned. As in individual cases, the energy of morals, and ethics will step forward, and there will greater exposure of unfair and corrupt practices. This will be coupled with more uprising by the people themselves with voicing and standing up for they believe is right and just, instead of keeping to oneself. So the theme of bringing the power back to the people as opposed to having it placed within the leadership alone will be exposed more this year.

Spirituality and Beyond: There will be a greater movement towards deeper reflection and willingness to explore oneself. This year, there will be more questions being asked like What is my Purpose? Why am I here? What am I meant to be doing?  Incorporation of personal spiritual practices will rise, with self-exploration being front and center. Utilizing intuition and accepting this tool as a way of being will be heard of more in the public with practices such as meditation, or words such as intuition and psychic becoming more accepted rather than hidden away. More people will start paying attention to the connection between emotional and physical well-being and how emotional traumas, and lingering negative thought patterns can affect the state and health of the physical body. Specifically, in the arena of long standing emotions of anger and frustration, we will see more people being open to the mind-body connection, and be willing to change the patterns around them. Kindness and compassion will be key as well; expect to see more acts of kindness occurring and more people coming together in the spirit of brotherhood and acting as a collective spirit. In addition, there will a lot sudden occurrences of leaving the planet – many souls are coming to the end of their personal incarnation cycles and finishing their tenure here on Earth. But the theme here is one of suddenness, rather than an event or situation being dragged out over time. So, sudden accidents, short-term illnesses, with descriptions such as ‘I just talked to [him] yesterday and everything was fine, and now [he’s] gone’ type of scenarios will occur on the soul level. This includes pets too, not just humans. All in all, speed and quick movement will be the name of the game.

Until next month, blessings to you all / Olena*

Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2014. All Rights Reserved You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:
Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)

12:12 portal of light

12:12:13 Portal of Light: Energy Report and AA Michael Message

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele.

Olena has been a Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, AA Michael channel, and has been writing CLEARLY SEEN, in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 79 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


Greetings Friends,

There is a new wave of energy that is bombarding the planet – first set in motion since December 12, 2012, and partially triggered and accelerated by recent Solar Flares, Lunar and Solar Eclipses, Comet Ison, and the Gemenid meteor showers now being within these next days. The planet is undergoing yet another great sweep of change – Gaia is in upheaval as she casts off much of the abuse and destruction that she has endured for eons by a myriad of what you could call dark energies and forces. This entire process includes the planetary events such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and abnormal shifts in weather patterns. As a result there are a great of energy shifts on an individual level too, namely changes in your physical and spiritual selves. The energetic sweep that is now occurring, primarily through this doorway of the 12:12 and continuing through until 12:21 is causing a direct change to your energy vortices – an modulation of the chakras, especially your root, sacral, third eye, and heart centers. Call it a rewiring of sorts, in such a way that is allowing for an upgrade in our energy structures. This entire year of 2013 has been about taking action and stepping forward in our awareness and consciousness, in order to become fully anchored in the Light by the beginning of 2014. A lot of energetic prep has been happening this year, and with this new portal opportunity of energetic upgrades, comes with a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. If you feel symptoms in any area of these chakras, you’re not going through this alone. Symptoms range from GI disturbances, nausea, anxiety with tension in the chest, headaches, abrupt changes in sleep patterns, buzzing or ringing in the ears, joint aches and pains, fatigue, emotional outbursts of weeping, sadness, longstanding grief and loss rising to the surface of consciousness, insomnia or waking up especially around 3 – 5 am, feeling ‘wired’ or mentally stimulating, yet physically feeling exhausted, extreme motion that vacillates from one end of pendulum to another, and even great desires to speak raw truths from deep within. The latter is especially important because the planetary evolutionary process is in a time where great disclosures are now occurring. You just have to look all around you in every sector – whether it’s political, economic, or personal.

Everything that has been squelched or suppressed can no longer energetically stay the same.

There is great movement or push to brings things out into the open, and wipe the secrecy away. New governments, new leaders with more consciously progressive thought, and so too a growth in personal awareness within one owns’ relationship with others. The way this is happening is around communication of inner truths, where you can no longer hold the old energy of keeping things under wraps, or suppressing what you truly feel or think. This is part of the new upgrade – bringing everything into a greater Light and stepping forward. As with any upgrades that have occurred, and this year you have seen and felt quite a few, it is vital that you attend to your physical and emotional selves with great care. As you become more ‘in tune’ with your body, your thoughts, your feelings, and your greater Self and connection with the Divine, it is necessary to treat this time with great compassion and kindness. Any energetic cleanup requires drinking a lot of water – you may also feel like you simply want to drink more and that’s okay. Listen to that. Let go of tensions in your chest – you may feel high sensitivities to others emotions as well, including your own. Breathe deeply from within the solar plexus chakra, as the breath is the key to unlocking energy blocks from with you. Further, take moments of stillness. The only way you can truly hear the voice from within you, the voice of the Divine is to actually – and consciously – stop and be still, in both body and mind. Soul speak through stillness within, and if you desire to have a greater connection with Yourself, slow down the busy-ness, and make a conscious intent and effort to put focus on the connection with Spirit. It’s easy to avoid this through all our daily activities, never stopping, always being busy and involved in one thing after another, especially with what keeps you in your mental space, and away from spirit space. 121213The 12:12 Energy doorway is another opportunity to step up on the next run of the spiritual ladder, except the next step is really about going into a deeper layer within you. The doorway in is the conscious declaration that you will consciously and intentionally set aside time, just like any other appointment or planned activity, for you and you alone. Make your time with Spirit as important as any other event. This, dear Friends is that path that you are on now – making time for YOU, for re-alignment with Self, for re-connection with conscious growth and expansion.

An additional message from Archangel Michael on the 12:12:13 Portal of Light:

“Dear Ones, there is great excitement occurring through the Universal Realms at this time. Your Earth is undergoing quite a change of a new Reality, and we truly honour you all as you have been instrumental not only in provoking, but having a hand in Creating the new platform of Light that is upon you now. This window of Light that is shining at this time, will be a prime time to really allow yourself to sit with what is the ‘truth’ for you. It is also another open invitation to make a choice: to either step into the Light of what you are, or stay in the Illusory state that has been prevalent that for many has seemed like forever.

There is a big switch here right in front of you. It is either ON or OFF. Being in the Light requires you to consciously flip to the ON position. The other, choosing to not go there allows you continue as you have been – in the dark. Remember, the dark has many forms and grades. What we speak of is this – this choice is about ‘switching’ ON to the conscious and aware YOU – of your soul, you as a Light being that’s connected to the vast Universal Consciousness and Divinity and acceptance as a Divine Being OR it’s opposite – staying OFF and living in the illusion that life is supposed to hand you things and do things for you.

So, simply envision this Light Switch in front of you. In truth, you have always embodied this. You have carried this option within your Soul since your initial Creation. It is part of your Divine makeup. But this switch moves in two directions: ON or OFF. You, Divine Being, have always held the power of choice, that only you could make. No one else could. Only you held the key to your Awakening, and only you, could make that final decision as to which direction you were going to go. Dear Ones, you can now choose which direction you will move that switch. There is no half-way. One way plunges you into Light, the other – Dark.

The motto for this process now is “DO or DO NOT There is no TRY”.

Your Yoda was a wise character when he uttered those words, and that energy is what rings during this portal opening on December 12. We use this example now to illustrate that there is no middle ground here. No longer is there a half way. No longer is there ‘I’m trying”. You cannot do that anymore. You cannot afford the ‘stories’ that you create any more. It is like squeezing through a birth canal – there is no option for ‘trying’. You either push through and do, or it will happen in a more difficulty and unpleasant way. This is a time to finally get off the fence, own your ‘stuff’, own who you are and step into a place of what is in your Highest Good, rather than waiting and complaining for something to happen.

This 12:12 requires your full participation in this process. You need to decide whether you are playing full on, or not at all.

That’s it. No in-between. And if you do decide to step forward – full-on – know that you do this not just for yourself but as a conscious connection to the collective Universe. So you can be the conscious driver of your Life Bus and move forward, OR you can choose to remain the passenger and sit in the back of the Bus and literally take a back seat to Life as well. It’s up to you. But either way, take a stand. You are much Loved. Blessings to you all.” ~AA Michael

In closing, know that great changes are truly in the works on this Planet that you are on. And you are a great part of it. Re-connection with the Universal Self, your Universal families are all underway. This is exciting! After 12:21 and eventually starting in 2014, the energetic grid will no longer be the same. There will be a different platform, a different blueprint in operation. You have the option of contributing to that new blueprint, simply be deciding whether you choose which direction your inner switch is to go. Hang in there, a new way of Being is truly – almost here.

In Blessings and Love / Olena-IndigoCrystalCoach™


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

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11:11:13 Portal of Light: A Pleiadian Light Message

Olena Gill is a Professional Intuitive, Psychic Medium, & Soul Communicator based in British Columbia, Canada. She offers mentoring and consulting sessions (Intuitive Guidance / Akashic Record Readings) to a global clientele.

Olena has been a Pleidian Emissaries of Light channel, and has writing CLEARLY SEEN, in print since 2000 and in digital since 2012. A monthly energy interpretation of planet Earth universally, and as a whole as to how Earth Energy changes affects humanity in the Ascension Process, CLEARLY SEEN is now read in over 76 countries. You can read previous CLEARLY SEEN Energy Reports & Predictions in the ARCHIVES.


~A Message from The Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light on this 11:11 day~

Dear Ones, Today on this 11:11 day you pass through yet another Portal of Light. This is not about a time on your clock, nor is it about Time in general. It truly never was. It is however, the triggering of your inner remembrance that you are truly a Divine Be-ing, of your Divine in-heritance.

You stand here today, having shifted consciously through your recent Lunar and Solar Eclipses, both of which heralded the entrances of both the Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies, and now, you passing through the 11:11 Portal of Light, allows you bring forward these two aspects into a place of Balance with the Divine Heart that beats within you.

These 11:11 codes that you Dear Ones, placed within your cellular constructs so long ago, when you first began your incarnation cycle – the journey of which you chose to undertake making your way back to the Divine Source of All That Is, so that you could experience what it was like to make your back and eventually merge with the One-ness that you all originated from and carry now within you. YOU(!) are the ones, Dear Ones, that you placed these codes within yourself, by your conscious choice, so that when the time came for you to start remembering Who you Really Were on this journey, you could recognize this Knowledge with Simplicity and Ease. Your 11:11 Light Code is NOW about bringing your own remembrance of the Divine into your conscious reality yet again – into the present – so you can start living as a fully conscious being, bringing your Higher Dimensional Awareness into your Earthly Dimensional structures.

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are now coming forward this 11:11 Light Portal, calling you to understand the importance of shifting into Balance. The Balance of expressing yourself and communicating from a place of Ease and Grace, Wisdom and Power. Both bring in all aspects of Divine Feminine and Masculine, and the time is now to merge the two in order to bring them to their rightful places into the Balanced State which the Divine hallmark. It is also important Dear Ones that at this time, it is no longer energetically conducive to sit in a state of polarity. There are many who continue to move in state of giving away of your energies, and resist the receiving of it, while others go through its opposite – you wish to receive so much, and yet resist the giving of yourself. No longer can this occur, for as you shift into this merged state of Divine Mother and Father, it is natural to now move into a state of both Transmitting (Giving) AND Intaking (Receiving). To be in this state puts you directly into the true Flow of the Divine and in tough with your deepest Soul Desires and communications as well. And in order to be able to manifest and express what you truly desire within your Soul, placing yourself into the Flow of Giving and Receiving which needs to be of equal energetic nature is now what is of prime importance at this time.

Dear Ones, it is imperative that as you step fully into this state of Divine Flow, you become more conscious of what your Soul – the Individualized Divine Spark is communicating now to you. Remember, the 11:11 Codes were embedded by you – for the pure purpose of remember Who You really were and ARE – and also the remember the Individual Purpose that you all carry while you are in this incarnation journey. Walking through this 11:11 Portal allows you now step into Higher Consciousness and truly connect with everything that your Soul wants you to know so that you now carry out its deepest Desires. In order to do this, you must FEEL and BREATHE your way in, for that is the wave that your Divine Presence moves through.

On this 11:11 Portal of Light, we ask that you place Focus on your inner Divine Heart. Place focus on the feelings of JOY, feelings of GRATITUDE, feelings of APPRECIATION, and above all the feelings of being UPLIFTED, for those are the true codes of your Soul Communication and your clues to a more conscious life experience here.

Dear Ones, we wish you to know that you are honoured and we sit in gratitude as you move through this energetic shift that you have chosen to undergo. You are truly Blessed. From the Divine Heart to yours, ~The Pleadian Emissaries of the Light~  ❤


Copyright © Olena Gill – IndigoCrystalCoach™ 2013. All Rights Reserved

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and following links: and

Did You Know? We do PERSONAL REPORTS just for you! To book a Private One-on-One Reading with Olena, click HERE

Peruse through Olena’s roster of Services: Intuitive Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Branding and Business Building, Soul Mentoring and Spiritual Marketing

CONNECT with Olena through her Social Media pages:

Questions: indigocrystalcoach(at)